On Sun, Feb 09, 2020 14:23:12 -0500, Neal Gompa wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 2:09 PM Fabio Valentini <decatho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> <snip>
> >
> > > What are our other options? (Of course, I assume bundling the Gradle
> > > binary for Fedora is out.)
> >
> > - Option 1: Convert package build systems from gradle to maven.
> > Pro: Works with current packaging tools.
> > Con: might make package updates harder.
> >
> As I think we can see here, this option doesn't really scale well and
> causes more problems than it solves.

I'll have a look at this to see what the effort required here is. If it
can be done automatically, it may not be so hard. I found this, for


> > - Option 2: Bring back gradle, possibly in a multi-step bootstrapping
> > process (like Neal outlined), with a "full-bundled" build is done
> > first to get things off the ground, and after that, components can be
> > de-bundled one after another.
> > Pro: no changes necessary for packages built with gradle.
> > Con: Lots of work packaging gradle and its ecosystem.
> >
> At least initially, it shouldn't be bad, and unbundling can be done
> iteratively with relatively little pain. This has the benefit of
> unlocking most of the JVM ecosystem for Fedora again, as Gradle has
> become the most popular option for building stuff on the JVM.

I certainly see your point, but given the (perceived?) lack of Java
focussed man-power in the community at the moment, it is hard to say if:

- we'll have enough resources to unbundle it in the short-term future;
- we'll have enough resources to maintain the whole unbundled ecosystem
  in the long-term future.

I.e., will this last in the long term, or will we be having such a
conversation again soon?

I guess we can just keep the bundled version as long as we need to, but
before we go down this option: how many folks in the community can
commit to helping maintain Gradle, at least in its bundled form, in the
long term, say till F34 release? If we don't have enough resources for
this, then the initial effort may not be worth investing in the first

I can help with general packaging, I don't do a lot of Java, and I
certainly don't do a lot of Gradle, so I would not want to be the single
or main point-of-contact for this. My focus in Fedora is
SciTech/NeuroFedora, and I do not have cycles to also prioritise
Java/Gradle work.

> <snip>

Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD" (He / Him / His) | 
Time zone: Europe/London

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