On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 8:49 AM Ankur Sinha <sanjay.an...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 09, 2020 10:30:41 +0100, Nicolas Mailhot via devel wrote:
> > Le samedi 08 février 2020 à 19:16 -0500, Neal Gompa a écrit :
> > >
> > > What does it tell? To me, it says that FOSS platforms don't care
> > > about
> > > Java as much as they used to. We're clearly able to do stuff with Go
> > > and Rust, which are just as "anti-distribution" as Java is (based on
> > > what other people say).
> >
> > While the Go core team definitely cares little about distributions, the
> > Go module system is enforcing similar sanity rules than us (no locked
> > versions, semver, etc) which makes it quite a lot friendlier than Java.
> >
> > Any language that passed the stone age of 'it builds locally with a
> > stash of fixed third party code of dubious origin and freshness' will
> > be easier to distribute than Java.
> Thanks for all your comments everyone. What I deduce from here is that
> packaging and maintaining Gradle is quite a task, and it may not be
> doable (or worth doing) with our limited resources.
> So, to bring the thread back to the original question: what do we do?
> - Does anyone have experience with converting Gradle based projects to
>   Maven? Can we use something like this in %prep, for example, or
>   locally generate the pom files and ship them in src.rpm?
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12888490/gradle-build-gradle-to-maven-pom-xml
>   https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/maven_plugin.html
> - If it is possible to convert from Maven poms to Gradle build files,
>   can we do the opposite perhaps?
> What are our other options? (Of course, I assume bundling the Gradle
> binary for Fedora is out.)

One way to bootstrap getting Gradle back in Fedora is to have it
packaged with a vendored set of source dependencies, and build
everything from source that way. That'll make each gradle package
build quite slow, but at least packaging the dependencies can be done
iteratively rather than all at once.

This is essentially the approach that was done for Go and some
"special" Python applications. As the Fedora guidelines allow bundling
provided the spec has versioned bundled() Provides, this is the
fastest, most-compliant approach.

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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