On Sun, Feb 09, 2020 10:30:41 +0100, Nicolas Mailhot via devel wrote:
> Le samedi 08 février 2020 à 19:16 -0500, Neal Gompa a écrit :
> > 
> > What does it tell? To me, it says that FOSS platforms don't care
> > about
> > Java as much as they used to. We're clearly able to do stuff with Go
> > and Rust, which are just as "anti-distribution" as Java is (based on
> > what other people say).
> While the Go core team definitely cares little about distributions, the
> Go module system is enforcing similar sanity rules than us (no locked
> versions, semver, etc) which makes it quite a lot friendlier than Java.
> Any language that passed the stone age of 'it builds locally with a
> stash of fixed third party code of dubious origin and freshness' will
> be easier to distribute than Java.

Thanks for all your comments everyone. What I deduce from here is that
packaging and maintaining Gradle is quite a task, and it may not be
doable (or worth doing) with our limited resources.

So, to bring the thread back to the original question: what do we do?

- Does anyone have experience with converting Gradle based projects to
  Maven? Can we use something like this in %prep, for example, or
  locally generate the pom files and ship them in src.rpm?

- If it is possible to convert from Maven poms to Gradle build files,
  can we do the opposite perhaps?

What are our other options? (Of course, I assume bundling the Gradle
binary for Fedora is out.)

Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD" (He / Him / His) | 
Time zone: Europe/London

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