On 08/04/2010 08:59 AM, Jon Ciesla wrote:
>    On 08/04/2010 02:43 AM, Adrian Reber wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 03, 2010 at 12:20:45PM -0500, Jon Ciesla wrote:
>>>>>> Also I think that with
>>>>>> wordpress 3 the separate wordpress-mu release fork has been merged
>>>>>> into mainline. So wouldn't it be better to concentrate on wordpress 3?
>>>>> Well, yes, probably.  That might even help with the bundled library
>>>>> situation.  But that's an issue for the maintainer.  I could help with 
>>>>> that
>>>>> too, if needed.
>>>> The wordpress owner said " if someone with lots of PHP knowledge wants
>>>> to take it I would
>>>>> be happy if it keeps getting maintained." in the last reply in fedora 
>>>>> devel list. I think it will much much if we can update wordpress to 3.x. 
>>>>> 2.8 branch is pretty old, and few people want to test it(2.9 is very 
>>>>> mature now and 3.0 is also released a while ago).
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Chen Lei
>>> <facepalm>   Yeah, I forgot that bit.  Adrian(CCd), if you like, orphan
>>> both wordpress and wordpress-mu, and I'll take over.  If I do, I plan to
>>> update wordpress to 3.0.1 and EOL wordpress-mu.
>> I orphaned it for EL-5 and EL-6. I have not heard anything from the
>> Fedora branches owner in a very long time so we need the help of someone
>> with more pkgdb power to orphan it.
>>              Adrian
> I have, actually, I took gallery2 over from him.  John(CCd), if you're
> interested, please orphan wordpress and wordpress-mu and I'll take over.
> -J
Whoops, Bret has -mu, CCing.  Bret, what are your thoughts on EOLing -mu?


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