On 08/03/2010 01:08 PM, Conan Kudo (???????) wrote:
On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Jon Ciesla <l...@jcomserv.net
<mailto:l...@jcomserv.net>> wrote:
On 08/02/2010 09:58 PM, Chen Lei wrote:
> 2010/8/3 Jon Ciesla<l...@jcomserv.net <mailto:l...@jcomserv.net>>:
>>> Also I think that with
>>> wordpress 3 the separate wordpress-mu release fork has been merged
>>> into mainline. So wouldn't it be better to concentrate on
wordpress 3?
>> Well, yes, probably. That might even help with the bundled library
>> situation. But that's an issue for the maintainer. I could
help with that
>> too, if needed.
> The wordpress owner said " if someone with lots of PHP knowledge
> to take it I would
>> be happy if it keeps getting maintained." in the last reply in
fedora devel list. I think it will much much if we can update
wordpress to 3.x. 2.8 branch is pretty old, and few people want to
test it(2.9 is very mature now and 3.0 is also released a while ago).
> Regards,
> Chen Lei
<facepalm> Yeah, I forgot that bit. Adrian(CCd), if you like, orphan
both wordpress and wordpress-mu, and I'll take over. If I do, I
plan to
update wordpress to 3.0.1 and EOL wordpress-mu.
Looking for a few seconds at 3.0.1, it looks like there are still
a few things bundled, but at least there will be a greater chance of
compatibility with the system versions. I hope. <gulp>
- in your fear, speak only peace
in your fear, seek only love
-d. bowie
WordPress comes bundled with TinyMCE, right? Has anyone worked on
separating out TinyMCE and packaging it separately? I know there are a
lot of web apps that use it...
It does. There's a review for it and the -spellchecker:
- in your fear, speak only peace
in your fear, seek only love
-d. bowie
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