On 16 February 2018 at 12:43, Tom Hughes <t...@compton.nu> wrote:

> On 16/02/18 12:36, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote:
>> On 16 February 2018 at 11:21, Panu Matilainen <pmati...@redhat.com
>> <mailto:pmati...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>> [..]
>>     Not everybody runs rpmlint for everything they produce, on the
>>     contrary I suspect it's fairly small percentage of packagers out
>>     there that do. If rpm itself doesn't directly complain about such
>>     things they'll simply never get cleaned up.
>> And this is why for example calling rpmlint should be one of the pre
>> steps done by koji on sending build request.
>> It would be good to perform at least one time a month rpmlint test across
>> all packages, and if it anything wrong automatically should be created git
>> issue or bugzilla ticket.
> Well rpmlint would need to be made a lot better first. The rate of
> false positives at the moment is enormous.

With such approach always will be chicken and egg problem because rpmlint
will be not improving because it will be not used, and it will be not
improving because it will not widely used.
It is necessary to cut this loop somewhere, and if it will be added in
whole pipeline of the Fedora processes single change in rpmlint will
automatically expose some number of packages with some issues.
I'm 100% sure that even current rpmlint will expose some number of specs
which needs to be cleaned up.

"Not everybody runs rpmlint"

If everybody will be using rpmlint it will start improving .. as same as
"build it and they will come".

Tomasz Kłoczko | LinkedIn: *http://lnkd.in/FXPWxH <http://lnkd.in/FXPWxH>*
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