On 13/10/16 14:02, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-10-12 at 21:09 -0400, Josh Boyer wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 8:33 PM, Adam Williamson
>> <adamw...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2016-10-12 at 09:55 -0400, Josh Boyer wrote:
>>>> All of the extra app stuff could be avoided if we disallowed reporters
>>>> (or random people) to change the Severity and Priority fields.
>>> Mmm, I don't really think so. Presumably it would be maintainers who
>>> got to set those fields, right? But they are doing so in relation to
>> No, why would you presume that?
> I dunno, just seemed logical. That's how they're intended to be used at
> present. Bug reporters aren't supposed to set them and don't have the
> privilege purely by rights of having an account

This is true for priority but not true for severity. Severity is the external, 
i.e. reporters, weighting
of the bug and you do not need to be in editbugs to set it.

Cheers, Jeff.

Jeff Fearn
Senior Software Engineer
PnT - DevOps - Development
Red Hat Asia Pacific Pty Ltd
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