On Wed, Nov 02, 2016 at 04:10:53PM +0100, Jan Kurik wrote:
> I drafted a process to cover the evaluation of "Important bugs" [1].
> It still needs some work on the wording, however it should be good
> enough for review and comments. May I ask for a feedback and possibly
> improvement proposals, please ?
> [1] 
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Program_Management/Important_bugs_and_issues_process

This looks excellent to me as a first pass. We can adjust as need be as
we go. I'm a little worried about sending the message that bugs that
don't make the list here aren't "important" to us in a wider sense...
maybe we want something more neutral like "Prioritized Issues"? I know
this is a little bikesheddy, but it'll be hard to change later.

Also, I'd like to add the criteria:

   Issues eligible for this status would be those which do not
   necessarily fail a release criterion but which have critical impact
   on a Fedora Edition or on a council-approved Fedora Objective.
   Issues may also be nominated from the Common Bugs list when they are
   deemed by QA to have critical impact.

to the page somewhere.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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