On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 1:46 AM, Kamil Paral <kpa...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> > If we do not 'support' livecd-iso-to-disk any more, we no longer
>> > support:
>> >
>> > 1) persistent storage (via overlays)
>> > 2) non-destructive write
>> Does anyone know why we can't have Fedora Media Writer support these
>> functions as well?
> I hope it won't. Or if it will, I hope it won't be the default, it will be 
> well hidden, and we won't block on it. Because especially the non-destructive 
> write is a can of worms. It almost never works for standard users, unless you 
> have a very good understanding what a bootloader is and whether you should 
> replace it or not. Most people don't need it (everyone has a small flash 
> drive to be completely overwritten these days), and those who do, they can 
> easily use livecd-iso-to-disk with its heap of magical cmdline switches.
> So no, I don't see why our default tool which is intended to be simple and 
> user friendly should support alternative modes of operations for <1% of our 
> user base. Do one thing and do it well.

Over on Windows and macOS, there is no such thing as a non-destructive
install media creation. It warns but obliterates the entire stick.
They also don't have persistence. So I think you're on very solid
ground calling both features edge cases, and as such probably not
reasonable to block a release on if it weren't to work.

I think both features are better applied to the installer. Any
installer deficiencies installing to removable media should be
addressed. This would provide both of the listed functions. In theory
it should just work anyway.

The one concern I have is with Sugar on a Stick spin. Their
installation instructions require livecd-iso-to-disk, because their
media boots straight into SoaS, not Anaconda. But I have some ideas
about how to deal with that going forward to, rather than depend
indefinitely on livecd-iso-to-disk.

Chris Murphy
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