On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 3:46 AM, Kamil Paral <kpa...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> > If we do not 'support' livecd-iso-to-disk any more, we no longer
>> > support:
>> >
>> > 1) persistent storage (via overlays)
>> > 2) non-destructive write
>> Does anyone know why we can't have Fedora Media Writer support these
>> functions as well?
> I hope it won't. Or if it will, I hope it won't be the default, it will be 
> well hidden, and we won't block on it. Because especially the non-destructive 
> write is a can of worms. It almost never works for standard users, unless you 
> have a very good understanding what a bootloader is and whether you should 
> replace it or not. Most people don't need it (everyone has a small flash 
> drive to be completely overwritten these days), and those who do, they can 
> easily use livecd-iso-to-disk with its heap of magical cmdline switches.

That sounds more like we should revisit how we do those features
rather than anything else. When livecd-iso-to-disk was created, we
didn't have things like OverlayFS that may potentially simplify how we
support this greatly. Most flash drives I've seen in use are at least
2x larger than the Fedora images, so it's almost wasteful that we
can't leverage that extra space.

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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