Agree with Kamil. Do one thing and do it well.
On 04/10/16 09:46, Kamil Paral wrote:
If we do not 'support' livecd-iso-to-disk any more, we no longer
1) persistent storage (via overlays)
2) non-destructive write
Does anyone know why we can't have Fedora Media Writer support these
functions as well?
I hope it won't. Or if it will, I hope it won't be the default, it will be well
hidden, and we won't block on it. Because especially the non-destructive write
is a can of worms. It almost never works for standard users, unless you have a
very good understanding what a bootloader is and whether you should replace it
or not. Most people don't need it (everyone has a small flash drive to be
completely overwritten these days), and those who do, they can easily use
livecd-iso-to-disk with its heap of magical cmdline switches.
So no, I don't see why our default tool which is intended to be simple and user
friendly should support alternative modes of operations for <1% of our user
base. Do one thing and do it well.
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