On Wed, 10 Mar 2010 07:55:08 -0500 (EST), Seth wrote:

> Michael,
>   Do you really think you're attitude has been respectful and helpful 
> throughout all the time. Do you consider history at all?

It seems to be enough that you do. Whatever you may remember
correctly, I don't know what it is. You have never told me.

You take every opportunity to flame me for refusing to accept your offer
to commit to yum-utils/repoclosure, for example. With regard to that one,
you're unforgiving.

Another incident I remember is that I left two sysadmin* groups after
Dennis Gilmore had informed me about plans to strip them down and
access going away for me without any further notification. I do have
those mails on backup (March 2008 and later).

> You've generated a lot of bad blood and hostility over the years (as have 
> I).

Wow. Disagreeing is not permitted? And still I've been loyal "over the years"
and have supported some decisions.

> Do you think we all just forgot about it?

Who is "we" here? Speak for yourself, please.

> You've used the "well, if you aren't going to do it my way then I'll
> not play" option over and over in my memory.

That must be an exaggeration.
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