On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 01:38:09PM +0100, Michael Schwendt wrote:
>> >> 20:45:42 <skvidal> cwickert: people threatening to leave should leave
>> >> 20:45:48 <skvidal> orphan your packages and go
>> >> 20:45:57 <skvidal> I'll be glad to clean up that mess
>> While the phrasing may or may not be over the top, I read that more as:
>> "We shouldn't be held hostage to various threats.  We shouldn't be afraid to
>> try something because a vocal few are ranting against it."
>> I could, of course, be very wrong.  However threatening to leave the project
>> if various things aren't done exactly one's way isn't very respectful either.
>I can agree with that last sentence in parts.  Please don't forget the
>order of incidents, however.  First the early-warning system with hundreds
>of messages and multiple threads, which made several packagers think "do
>they want to ruin the community packaging project?", and several expressed
>their criticism. *Afterwards* the more concrete proposals that ignored the
>criticism and provoked further reactions from packagers, since it is only
>natural that in project of volunteers that not everyone accepts the
>inevitable. In return, the FESCo and FPB member quoted above has opted for
>"an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" tactics. With an additional blog
>entry. And another one attempted at public humiliation even.

Small correction: Seth is not on the Fedora Board.

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