On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 07:55:03PM -0500, Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 7:39 PM, Toshio Kuratomi <a.bad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > You're willing to say that if I update one of my packages that has a script
> > of 30 lines, is a leaf node, and the update is to give the script an
> > optional argument to print output to stdout instead of writing to a file
> > that I'm incapable of building that package and then QA'ing the package from
> > the update-testing repository?
> Yes. And that is 0.001% of the package updates. In fact, skip the
> noise of pushing that as an update, wait until something interesting
> happens to roll it out.
> There is no gain in rolling an rpm everytime. And there is a cost --
> in many "cheap" resources (bandwidth, cpu burn in builders), and in
> costly resources, like review time of your downstreams if they care
> about their QA.
But if someone requests this feature because they need to use it in their
environment, then the risk::reward ratio is low enough to justify it.

> > But #3 is not a sterling example
> > of an axiom
> #3 is correct for 99.9% of the worthwhile package updates. Don't call
> it an axiom if it bothers you to be unfair to a tiny portion of
> updates.
> But is a damn important point that is central to what a distro is.
And once again you've failed to quote the part of my message where I say
that this affects a small number of packages.  Thanks.


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