On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 06:45:49PM -0500, Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Toshio Kuratomi <a.bad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> 3) Sufficient testing of software inherently requires manual
> >> intervention by more than one individual.
> >>
> > This isn't entirely true either.
> #3 is so true that is central to what distros are about. Upstream
> probably released a good updated version, but the distro role is to do
> the integration, and shake out all the bugs in those subtle
> interactions between components.
> Otherwise, distros could provide the installer + @base and for the
> rest we could all grab RPMs from upstreams' websites.
> The QA of the integrated set of packages at particular release is hard
> and complex. That's what Fedora does, as a distro, and is central to
> what Fedora is, and the implicit social contract -- these components
> perform together in tune like a well-rehearsed orchestra.
> If the trombonist buys a new and shiny trombone, great, but for the
> piece he's playing tonight he'll have to play with the old trombone.
> The new trombone may be slightly out of tune, or louder, or tinnier;
> none of those things are bad per se, but it will ruin the combined
> effort.
> > One person can manually evaluate
> That's the "it works for me" attitude. Works for small software
> projects with a couple users. Not for a hugely complex OS, one that
> others use as the base for their own work.

If you had bothered to quote my complete proposal you would find that you
didn't have to bother writing your message.  I'll pull a Jef and quote it:

> > This isn't entirely true either.  One person can manually evaluate the
> > impact of certain changes to certain pieces of software.  But this is less
> > of an issue than the first axiom as the number of packages that fit this
> > category is likely to be small.

You're willing to say that if I update one of my packages that has a script
of 30 lines, is a leaf node, and the update is to give the script an
optional argument to print output to stdout instead of writing to a file
that I'm incapable of building that package and then QA'ing the package from
the update-testing repository?

I'm specific that this is not a major problem because the number of packages
that can fall into this category is small.  But #3 is not a sterling example
of an axiom as there are packages in the repository where small changes can
be applied and tested for regressions by a single person.


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