Hello all,

On 2024.05.24 03:13, Yao, Jiewen via groups.io wrote:
Please let us know if the preference for libspdm submodule. (Below options)
1) Keep current libspdm official 3.3.0 release, and update to next release at 
the beginning of July.
2) Update libspdm immediately with the new cmocka submodule, which is NOT an 
official release.

Considering that I (and I expect anybody who tries to use EDK2 as a submodule in their UEFI build projects with GitHub Actions), I have to vote for option 2.

An example of the current issue can be shown on a project that simply attempts to build the UEFI Shell from the latest stable EDK2 release, using EDK2 as a submodule, can be shown at https://github.com/pbatard/UEFI-Shell/actions/runs/9290685065/job/25567879807 or https://github.com/pbatard/UEFI-Shell/actions/runs/9290988138/job/25568511355 and as you can see, it makes building the project completely impossible unless you ditch using EDK2 as a submodule (which isn't a viable option IMO, because a build toolchain that cannot be used as a git submodule is a very limiting toolchain).

For information, there's only so much fine grained tuning GitHub Actions offers on submodules, and no matter how you try to play with the fetch depth, the fact that one of the libspdm sub-dependency has essentially become M.I.A. is something that should be addressed as a matter of urgency.

So I hope that a commit that updates libspdm to the new cmocka submodule can find its way into EDK2 fairly soon, as it is currently halting a projects that aims at producing trusted UEFI Shell releases.



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