I don't think that's a very good solution given the diversity of downstream projects dependent on the repo or even for the libspdm repo itself.


On 5/22/2024 5:57 PM, Michael D Kinney wrote:
This was discussed and the decision was made to no use recursive clone on 


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kubacki <mikub...@linux.microsoft.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 1:40 PM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io; Yao, Jiewen <jiewen....@intel.com>
Cc: Kinney, Michael D <michael.d.kin...@intel.com>
Subject: libspdm Breaking Builds

Recently, the libspdm submodule was added to SecurityPkg
(SecurityPkg/DeviceSecurity/SpdmLib/libspdm) [1].

That submodule points to https://github.com/DMTF/libspdm.git.

The libspdm repo contains a submodule for cmocka that is hosted on
cryptomilk.org [2].

Cloning that submodule is failing today, breaking all builds/CI
dependent on SecurityPkg.

This has been an issue in the past and it is very disruptive given the
number of dependencies on edk2/SecurityPkg. Because of its reliability
issues, edk2 moved to a version of the repo hosted in tianocore [3] in
2021 [4]

Can you please make a similar change in libspdm and we get edk2 updated
as soon as possible?



[2] https://github.com/DMTF/libspdm/blob/main/.gitmodules

[3] https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-cmocka


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