From: Min M Xu <>


TdTcg2Dxe and HashLibTdx have been moved to OvmfPkg. So delete the codes
in SecurityPkg and update SecurityPkg.dsc.

Cc: Jiewen Yao <>
Cc: Gerd Hoffmann <>
Signed-off-by: Min Xu <>
 SecurityPkg/Library/HashLibTdx/HashLibTdx.c   |  213 --
 SecurityPkg/Library/HashLibTdx/HashLibTdx.inf |   37 -
 SecurityPkg/SecurityPkg.dsc                   |   14 -
 SecurityPkg/Tcg/TdTcg2Dxe/MeasureBootPeCoff.c |  407 ---
 SecurityPkg/Tcg/TdTcg2Dxe/TdTcg2Dxe.c         | 2522 -----------------
 SecurityPkg/Tcg/TdTcg2Dxe/TdTcg2Dxe.inf       |  100 -
 6 files changed, 3293 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 SecurityPkg/Library/HashLibTdx/HashLibTdx.c
 delete mode 100644 SecurityPkg/Library/HashLibTdx/HashLibTdx.inf
 delete mode 100644 SecurityPkg/Tcg/TdTcg2Dxe/MeasureBootPeCoff.c
 delete mode 100644 SecurityPkg/Tcg/TdTcg2Dxe/TdTcg2Dxe.c
 delete mode 100644 SecurityPkg/Tcg/TdTcg2Dxe/TdTcg2Dxe.inf

diff --git a/SecurityPkg/Library/HashLibTdx/HashLibTdx.c 
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cebbc70d3ec..000000000000
--- a/SecurityPkg/Library/HashLibTdx/HashLibTdx.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
-  This library is HashLib for Tdx.
-Copyright (c) 2021 - 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. <BR>
-SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
-#include <PiPei.h>
-#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
-#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
-#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
-#include <Library/PcdLib.h>
-#include <Library/HashLib.h>
-#include <Library/TdxLib.h>
-#include <Protocol/CcMeasurement.h>
-// Currently TDX supports SHA384.
-HASH_INTERFACE  mHashInterface =  {
-  { 0 }, NULL, NULL, NULL
-UINTN  mHashInterfaceCount = 0;
-  Start hash sequence.
-  @param HashHandle Hash handle.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS          Hash sequence start and HandleHandle returned.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough resource to start hash.
-HashStart (
-  OUT HASH_HANDLE  *HashHandle
-  )
-  HASH_HANDLE  HashCtx;
-  if (mHashInterfaceCount == 0) {
-    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-  }
-  HashCtx = 0;
-  mHashInterface.HashInit (&HashCtx);
-  *HashHandle = HashCtx;
-  return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  Update hash sequence data.
-  @param HashHandle    Hash handle.
-  @param DataToHash    Data to be hashed.
-  @param DataToHashLen Data size.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS     Hash sequence updated.
-HashUpdate (
-  IN HASH_HANDLE  HashHandle,
-  IN VOID         *DataToHash,
-  IN UINTN        DataToHashLen
-  )
-  if (mHashInterfaceCount == 0) {
-    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-  }
-  mHashInterface.HashUpdate (HashHandle, DataToHash, DataToHashLen);
-  return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  Hash sequence complete and extend to PCR.
-  @param HashHandle    Hash handle.
-  @param PcrIndex      PCR to be extended.
-  @param DataToHash    Data to be hashed.
-  @param DataToHashLen Data size.
-  @param DigestList    Digest list.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS     Hash sequence complete and DigestList is returned.
-HashCompleteAndExtend (
-  IN HASH_HANDLE          HashHandle,
-  IN TPMI_DH_PCR          PcrIndex,
-  IN VOID                 *DataToHash,
-  IN UINTN                DataToHashLen,
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS          Status;
-  if (mHashInterfaceCount == 0) {
-    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-  }
-  ZeroMem (DigestList, sizeof (*DigestList));
-  mHashInterface.HashUpdate (HashHandle, DataToHash, DataToHashLen);
-  mHashInterface.HashFinal (HashHandle, &Digest);
-  CopyMem (
-    &DigestList->digests[0],
-    &Digest.digests[0],
-    sizeof (Digest.digests[0])
-    );
-  DigestList->count++;
-  ASSERT (DigestList->count == 1 && DigestList->digests[0].hashAlg == 
-  Status = TdExtendRtmr (
-             (UINT32 *)DigestList->digests[0].digest.sha384,
-             SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE,
-             (UINT8)PcrIndex
-             );
-  ASSERT (!EFI_ERROR (Status));
-  return Status;
-  Hash data and extend to RTMR.
-  @param PcrIndex      PCR to be extended.
-  @param DataToHash    Data to be hashed.
-  @param DataToHashLen Data size.
-  @param DigestList    Digest list.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS     Hash data and DigestList is returned.
-HashAndExtend (
-  IN TPMI_DH_PCR          PcrIndex,
-  IN VOID                 *DataToHash,
-  IN UINTN                DataToHashLen,
-  )
-  HASH_HANDLE  HashHandle;
-  EFI_STATUS   Status;
-  if (mHashInterfaceCount == 0) {
-    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-  }
-  ASSERT (TdIsEnabled ());
-  HashStart (&HashHandle);
-  HashUpdate (HashHandle, DataToHash, DataToHashLen);
-  Status = HashCompleteAndExtend (HashHandle, PcrIndex, NULL, 0, DigestList);
-  return Status;
-  This service register Hash.
-  @param HashInterface  Hash interface
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS          This hash interface is registered successfully.
-  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED      System does not support register this interface.
-  @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED  System already register this interface.
-RegisterHashInterfaceLib (
-  IN HASH_INTERFACE  *HashInterface
-  )
-  //
-  // HashLibTdx is designed for Tdx guest. So if it is not Tdx guest,
-  // return EFI_UNSUPPORTED.
-  //
-  if (!TdIsEnabled ()) {
-    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-  }
-  //
-  // Only SHA384 is allowed.
-  //
-  if (!CompareGuid (&mSha384Guid, &HashInterface->HashGuid)) {
-    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-  }
-  if (mHashInterfaceCount != 0) {
-  }
-  CopyMem (&mHashInterface, HashInterface, sizeof (*HashInterface));
-  mHashInterfaceCount++;
-  return EFI_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/SecurityPkg/Library/HashLibTdx/HashLibTdx.inf 
deleted file mode 100644
index 946132124c85..000000000000
--- a/SecurityPkg/Library/HashLibTdx/HashLibTdx.inf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-## @file
-#  Provides hash service by registered hash handler in Tdx.
-#  This library is HashLib for Tdx. Currently only SHA384 is supported.
-# Copyright (c) 2020 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
-  INF_VERSION                    = 0x00010005
-  BASE_NAME                      = HashLibTdx
-  FILE_GUID                      = 77F6EA3E-1ABA-4467-A447-926E8CEB2D13
-  MODULE_TYPE                    = BASE
-  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0
-  LIBRARY_CLASS                  = HashLib|SEC DXE_DRIVER
-# The following information is for reference only and not required by the 
build tools.
-#  VALID_ARCHITECTURES           = X64
-  HashLibTdx.c
-  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
-  SecurityPkg/SecurityPkg.dec
-  BaseLib
-  BaseMemoryLib
-  DebugLib
-  PcdLib
-  TdxLib
diff --git a/SecurityPkg/SecurityPkg.dsc b/SecurityPkg/SecurityPkg.dsc
index e3e43a246bbe..4923d88f7954 100644
--- a/SecurityPkg/SecurityPkg.dsc
+++ b/SecurityPkg/SecurityPkg.dsc
@@ -97,12 +97,6 @@
-  HashLib|SecurityPkg/Library/HashLibTdx/HashLibTdx.inf
-  HashLib|SecurityPkg/Library/HashLibTdx/HashLibTdx.inf
@@ -293,14 +287,6 @@
-  SecurityPkg/Library/HashLibTdx/HashLibTdx.inf
-  SecurityPkg/Tcg/TdTcg2Dxe/TdTcg2Dxe.inf {
-    <LibraryClasses>
-      HashLib|SecurityPkg/Library/HashLibTdx/HashLibTdx.inf
-      NULL|SecurityPkg/Library/HashInstanceLibSha384/HashInstanceLibSha384.inf
-  }
 [Components.IA32, Components.X64]
diff --git a/SecurityPkg/Tcg/TdTcg2Dxe/MeasureBootPeCoff.c 
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d542156badd..000000000000
--- a/SecurityPkg/Tcg/TdTcg2Dxe/MeasureBootPeCoff.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
-  This module implements measuring PeCoff image for Tcg2 Protocol.
-  Caution: This file requires additional review when modified.
-  This driver will have external input - PE/COFF image.
-  This external input must be validated carefully to avoid security issue like
-  buffer overflow, integer overflow.
-Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
-#include <PiDxe.h>
-#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
-#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
-#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
-#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
-#include <Library/DevicePathLib.h>
-#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
-#include <Library/PeCoffLib.h>
-#include <Library/HashLib.h>
-UINTN  mTcg2DxeImageSize = 0;
-  Reads contents of a PE/COFF image in memory buffer.
-  Caution: This function may receive untrusted input.
-  PE/COFF image is external input, so this function will make sure the PE/COFF 
image content
-  read is within the image buffer.
-  @param  FileHandle      Pointer to the file handle to read the PE/COFF image.
-  @param  FileOffset      Offset into the PE/COFF image to begin the read 
-  @param  ReadSize        On input, the size in bytes of the requested read 
-                          On output, the number of bytes actually read.
-  @param  Buffer          Output buffer that contains the data read from the 
PE/COFF image.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS     The specified portion of the PE/COFF image was read 
and the size
-Tcg2DxeImageRead (
-  IN     VOID   *FileHandle,
-  IN     UINTN  FileOffset,
-  IN OUT UINTN  *ReadSize,
-  OUT    VOID   *Buffer
-  )
-  UINTN  EndPosition;
-  if ((FileHandle == NULL) || (ReadSize == NULL) || (Buffer == NULL)) {
-  }
-  if (MAX_ADDRESS - FileOffset < *ReadSize) {
-  }
-  EndPosition = FileOffset + *ReadSize;
-  if (EndPosition > mTcg2DxeImageSize) {
-    *ReadSize = (UINT32)(mTcg2DxeImageSize - FileOffset);
-  }
-  if (FileOffset >= mTcg2DxeImageSize) {
-    *ReadSize = 0;
-  }
-  CopyMem (Buffer, (UINT8 *)((UINTN)FileHandle + FileOffset), *ReadSize);
-  return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  Measure PE image into TPM log based on the authenticode image hashing in
-  PE/COFF Specification 8.0 Appendix A.
-  Caution: This function may receive untrusted input.
-  PE/COFF image is external input, so this function will validate its data 
-  within this image buffer before use.
-  Notes: PE/COFF image is checked by BasePeCoffLib PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo().
-  @param[in]  RtmrIndex      Rtmr index
-  @param[in]  ImageAddress   Start address of image buffer.
-  @param[in]  ImageSize      Image size
-  @param[out] DigestList     Digest list of this image.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Successfully measure image.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   No enough resource to measure image.
-  @retval other error value
-MeasurePeImageAndExtend (
-  IN  UINT32                RtmrIndex,
-  IN  UINTN                 ImageSize,
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS                           Status;
-  EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER                 *DosHdr;
-  UINT32                               PeCoffHeaderOffset;
-  EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER             *Section;
-  UINT8                                *HashBase;
-  UINTN                                HashSize;
-  UINTN                                SumOfBytesHashed;
-  EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER             *SectionHeader;
-  UINTN                                Index;
-  UINTN                                Pos;
-  UINT32                               NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
-  UINT32                               CertSize;
-  HASH_HANDLE                          HashHandle;
-  PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT         ImageContext;
-  HashHandle = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Know bad value
-  Status        = EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-  SectionHeader = NULL;
-  //
-  // Check PE/COFF image
-  //
-  ZeroMem (&ImageContext, sizeof (ImageContext));
-  ImageContext.Handle    = (VOID *)(UINTN)ImageAddress;
-  mTcg2DxeImageSize      = ImageSize;
-  ImageContext.ImageRead = (PE_COFF_LOADER_READ_FILE)Tcg2DxeImageRead;
-  //
-  // Get information about the image being loaded
-  //
-  Status = PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo (&ImageContext);
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    //
-    // The information can't be got from the invalid PeImage
-    //
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Tcg2Dxe: PeImage invalid. Cannot retrieve image 
-    goto Finish;
-  }
-  DosHdr             = (EFI_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)(UINTN)ImageAddress;
-  PeCoffHeaderOffset = 0;
-  if (DosHdr->e_magic == EFI_IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) {
-    PeCoffHeaderOffset = DosHdr->e_lfanew;
-  }
-  Hdr.Pe32 = (EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *)((UINT8 *)(UINTN)ImageAddress + 
-  if (Hdr.Pe32->Signature != EFI_IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) {
-    Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-    goto Finish;
-  }
-  //
-  // PE/COFF Image Measurement
-  //
-  //    NOTE: The following codes/steps are based upon the authenticode image 
hashing in
-  //      PE/COFF Specification 8.0 Appendix A.
-  //
-  //
-  // 1.  Load the image header into memory.
-  // 2.  Initialize a SHA hash context.
-  Status = HashStart (&HashHandle);
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    goto Finish;
-  }
-  //
-  // Measuring PE/COFF Image Header;
-  // But CheckSum field and SECURITY data directory (certificate) are excluded
-  //
-  //
-  // 3.  Calculate the distance from the base of the image header to the image 
checksum address.
-  // 4.  Hash the image header from its base to beginning of the image 
-  //
-  HashBase = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)ImageAddress;
-  if (Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.Magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC) {
-    //
-    // Use PE32 offset
-    //
-    NumberOfRvaAndSizes = Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
-    HashSize            = (UINTN)(&Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.CheckSum) - 
-  } else {
-    //
-    // Use PE32+ offset
-    //
-    NumberOfRvaAndSizes = Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
-    HashSize            = (UINTN)(&Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.CheckSum) - 
-  }
-  Status = HashUpdate (HashHandle, HashBase, HashSize);
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    goto Finish;
-  }
-  //
-  // 5.  Skip over the image checksum (it occupies a single ULONG).
-  //
-    //
-    // 6.  Since there is no Cert Directory in optional header, hash everything
-    //     from the end of the checksum to the end of image header.
-    //
-    if (Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.Magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC) {
-      //
-      // Use PE32 offset.
-      //
-      HashBase = (UINT8 *)&Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.CheckSum + sizeof (UINT32);
-      HashSize = Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders - (UINTN)(HashBase - 
-    } else {
-      //
-      // Use PE32+ offset.
-      //
-      HashBase = (UINT8 *)&Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.CheckSum + sizeof 
-      HashSize = Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders - (UINTN)(HashBase 
- ImageAddress);
-    }
-    if (HashSize != 0) {
-      Status = HashUpdate (HashHandle, HashBase, HashSize);
-      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-        goto Finish;
-      }
-    }
-  } else {
-    //
-    // 7.  Hash everything from the end of the checksum to the start of the 
Cert Directory.
-    //
-    if (Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.Magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC) {
-      //
-      // Use PE32 offset
-      //
-      HashBase = (UINT8 *)&Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.CheckSum + sizeof (UINT32);
-      HashSize = 
 - (UINTN)HashBase;
-    } else {
-      //
-      // Use PE32+ offset
-      //
-      HashBase = (UINT8 *)&Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.CheckSum + sizeof 
-      HashSize = 
 - (UINTN)HashBase;
-    }
-    if (HashSize != 0) {
-      Status = HashUpdate (HashHandle, HashBase, HashSize);
-      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-        goto Finish;
-      }
-    }
-    //
-    // 8.  Skip over the Cert Directory. (It is sizeof(IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY) 
-    // 9.  Hash everything from the end of the Cert Directory to the end of 
image header.
-    //
-    if (Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.Magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC) {
-      //
-      // Use PE32 offset
-      //
-      HashBase = (UINT8 
*)&Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[EFI_IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY + 
-      HashSize = Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders - (UINTN)(HashBase - 
-    } else {
-      //
-      // Use PE32+ offset
-      //
-      HashBase = (UINT8 
 + 1];
-      HashSize = Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders - (UINTN)(HashBase 
- ImageAddress);
-    }
-    if (HashSize != 0) {
-      Status = HashUpdate (HashHandle, HashBase, HashSize);
-      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-        goto Finish;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  //
-  // 10. Set the SUM_OF_BYTES_HASHED to the size of the header
-  //
-  if (Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.Magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC) {
-    //
-    // Use PE32 offset
-    //
-    SumOfBytesHashed = Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
-  } else {
-    //
-    // Use PE32+ offset
-    //
-    SumOfBytesHashed = Hdr.Pe32Plus->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
-  }
-  //
-  // 11. Build a temporary table of pointers to all the IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER
-  //     structures in the image. The 'NumberOfSections' field of the image
-  //     header indicates how big the table should be. Do not include any
-  //     IMAGE_SECTION_HEADERs in the table whose 'SizeOfRawData' field is 
-  //
-  SectionHeader = (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)AllocateZeroPool (sizeof 
(EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) * Hdr.Pe32->FileHeader.NumberOfSections);
-  if (SectionHeader == NULL) {
-    goto Finish;
-  }
-  //
-  // 12.  Using the 'PointerToRawData' in the referenced section headers as
-  //      a key, arrange the elements in the table in ascending order. In other
-  //      words, sort the section headers according to the disk-file offset of
-  //      the section.
-  //
-                                         (UINT8 *)(UINTN)ImageAddress +
-                                         PeCoffHeaderOffset +
-                                         sizeof (UINT32) +
-                                         sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER) +
-                                         );
-  for (Index = 0; Index < Hdr.Pe32->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; Index++) {
-    Pos = Index;
-    while ((Pos > 0) && (Section->PointerToRawData < SectionHeader[Pos - 
1].PointerToRawData)) {
-      CopyMem (&SectionHeader[Pos], &SectionHeader[Pos - 1], sizeof 
-      Pos--;
-    }
-    CopyMem (&SectionHeader[Pos], Section, sizeof (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER));
-    Section += 1;
-  }
-  //
-  // 13.  Walk through the sorted table, bring the corresponding section
-  //      into memory, and hash the entire section (using the 'SizeOfRawData'
-  //      field in the section header to determine the amount of data to hash).
-  // 14.  Add the section's 'SizeOfRawData' to SUM_OF_BYTES_HASHED .
-  // 15.  Repeat steps 13 and 14 for all the sections in the sorted table.
-  //
-  for (Index = 0; Index < Hdr.Pe32->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; Index++) {
-    Section = (EFI_IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *)&SectionHeader[Index];
-    if (Section->SizeOfRawData == 0) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    HashBase = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)ImageAddress + Section->PointerToRawData;
-    HashSize = (UINTN)Section->SizeOfRawData;
-    Status = HashUpdate (HashHandle, HashBase, HashSize);
-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      goto Finish;
-    }
-    SumOfBytesHashed += HashSize;
-  }
-  //
-  // 16.  If the file size is greater than SUM_OF_BYTES_HASHED, there is extra
-  //      data in the file that needs to be added to the hash. This data begins
-  //      at file offset SUM_OF_BYTES_HASHED and its length is:
-  //             FileSize  -  (CertDirectory->Size)
-  //
-  if (ImageSize > SumOfBytesHashed) {
-    HashBase = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)ImageAddress + SumOfBytesHashed;
-      CertSize = 0;
-    } else {
-      if (Hdr.Pe32->OptionalHeader.Magic == EFI_IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC) 
-        //
-        // Use PE32 offset.
-        //
-        CertSize = 
-      } else {
-        //
-        // Use PE32+ offset.
-        //
-        CertSize = 
-      }
-    }
-    if (ImageSize > CertSize + SumOfBytesHashed) {
-      HashSize = (UINTN)(ImageSize - CertSize - SumOfBytesHashed);
-      Status = HashUpdate (HashHandle, HashBase, HashSize);
-      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-        goto Finish;
-      }
-    } else if (ImageSize < CertSize + SumOfBytesHashed) {
-      Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-      goto Finish;
-    }
-  }
-  //
-  // 17.  Finalize the SHA hash.
-  //
-  Status = HashCompleteAndExtend (HashHandle, RtmrIndex, NULL, 0, DigestList);
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    goto Finish;
-  }
-  if (SectionHeader != NULL) {
-    FreePool (SectionHeader);
-  }
-  return Status;
diff --git a/SecurityPkg/Tcg/TdTcg2Dxe/TdTcg2Dxe.c 
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca29f5de0df..000000000000
--- a/SecurityPkg/Tcg/TdTcg2Dxe/TdTcg2Dxe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2522 +0,0 @@
-/** @file
-  This module implements EFI TD Protocol.
-  Copyright (c) 2020 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
-#include <PiDxe.h>
-#include <IndustryStandard/Acpi.h>
-#include <IndustryStandard/PeImage.h>
-#include <IndustryStandard/TcpaAcpi.h>
-#include <Guid/GlobalVariable.h>
-#include <Guid/HobList.h>
-#include <Guid/EventGroup.h>
-#include <Guid/EventExitBootServiceFailed.h>
-#include <Guid/ImageAuthentication.h>
-#include <Guid/TpmInstance.h>
-#include <Protocol/DevicePath.h>
-#include <Protocol/MpService.h>
-#include <Protocol/VariableWrite.h>
-#include <Protocol/Tcg2Protocol.h>
-#include <Protocol/TrEEProtocol.h>
-#include <Protocol/ResetNotification.h>
-#include <Protocol/AcpiTable.h>
-#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
-#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
-#include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h>
-#include <Library/UefiDriverEntryPoint.h>
-#include <Library/HobLib.h>
-#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
-#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
-#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
-#include <Library/PrintLib.h>
-#include <Library/PcdLib.h>
-#include <Library/UefiLib.h>
-#include <Library/HashLib.h>
-#include <Library/PerformanceLib.h>
-#include <Library/ReportStatusCodeLib.h>
-#include <Library/TpmMeasurementLib.h>
-#include <Protocol/CcMeasurement.h>
-#include <Guid/CcEventHob.h>
-#include <Library/TdxLib.h>
-#define PERF_ID_CC_TCG2_DXE  0x3130
-#define   CC_MR_INDEX_0_MRTD           0
-#define   CC_MR_INDEX_1_RTMR0          1
-#define   CC_MR_INDEX_2_RTMR1          2
-#define   CC_MR_INDEX_3_RTMR2          3
-#define   CC_MR_INDEX_INVALID          4
-typedef struct {
-  CHAR16      *VariableName;
-  EFI_GUID    *VendorGuid;
-typedef struct {
-  EFI_GUID                   *EventGuid;
-typedef struct {
-  EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT    EventLogFormat;
-  UINT64                     Laml;
-  UINTN                      EventLogSize;
-  UINT8                      *LastEvent;
-  BOOLEAN                    EventLogStarted;
-  BOOLEAN                    EventLogTruncated;
-  UINTN                      Next800155EventOffset;
-typedef struct _TDX_DXE_DATA {
-  BOOLEAN                           
-typedef struct {
-  TPMI_ALG_HASH    HashAlgo;
-  UINT16           HashSize;
-  UINT32           HashMask;
-CC_EVENT_INFO_STRUCT  mCcEventInfo[] = {
-  { &gCcEventEntryHobGuid, EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT_TCG_2 },
-TDX_DXE_DATA  mTdxDxeData = {
-  {
-    { 1, 1 },                                // StructureVersion
-    { 1, 1 },                                // ProtocolVersion
-    EFI_CC_BOOT_HASH_ALG_SHA384,             // HashAlgorithmBitmap
-    EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT_TCG_2,           // SupportedEventLogs
-    { 2, 0 }                                 // {CC_TYPE, CC_SUBTYPE}
-  },
-UINTN   mBootAttempts  = 0;
-CHAR16  mBootVarName[] = L"BootOrder";
-VARIABLE_TYPE  mVariableType[] = {
-  { EFI_SECURE_BOOT_MODE_NAME,    &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid        },
-  { EFI_PLATFORM_KEY_NAME,        &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid        },
-  { EFI_KEY_EXCHANGE_KEY_NAME,    &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid        },
-  { EFI_IMAGE_SECURITY_DATABASE,  &gEfiImageSecurityDatabaseGuid },
-  { EFI_IMAGE_SECURITY_DATABASE1, &gEfiImageSecurityDatabaseGuid },
-EFI_CC_EVENTLOG_ACPI_TABLE  mTdxEventlogAcpiTemplate = {
-  {
-    sizeof (mTdxEventlogAcpiTemplate),
-    //
-    // Compiler initializes the remaining bytes to 0
-    // These fields should be filled in production
-    //
-  },
-  { EFI_CC_TYPE_TDX, 0 }, // CcType
-  0,                      // rsvd
-  0,                      // laml
-  0,                      // lasa
-// Supported Hash list in Td guest.
-// Currently SHA384 is supported.
-TDX_HASH_INFO  mHashInfo[] = {
-  Get hash size based on Algo
-  @param[in]     HashAlgo           Hash Algorithm Id.
-  @return Size of the hash.
-GetHashSizeFromAlgo (
-  )
-  UINTN  Index;
-  for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof (mHashInfo)/sizeof (mHashInfo[0]); Index++) {
-    if (mHashInfo[Index].HashAlgo == HashAlgo) {
-      return mHashInfo[Index].HashSize;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-  Get hash mask based on Algo
-  @param[in]     HashAlgo           Hash Algorithm Id.
-  @return Hash mask.
-GetHashMaskFromAlgo (
-  )
-  UINTN  Index;
-  for (Index = 0; Index < ARRAY_SIZE (mHashInfo); Index++) {
-    if (mHashInfo[Index].HashAlgo == HashAlgo) {
-      return mHashInfo[Index].HashMask;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-  Copy TPML_DIGEST_VALUES into a buffer
-  @param[in,out] Buffer             Buffer to hold copied TPML_DIGEST_VALUES 
compact binary.
-  @param[in]     DigestList         TPML_DIGEST_VALUES to be copied.
-  @param[in]     HashAlgorithmMask  HASH bits corresponding to the desired 
digests to copy.
-  @return The end of buffer to hold TPML_DIGEST_VALUES.
-CopyDigestListToBuffer (
-  IN OUT VOID            *Buffer,
-  IN UINT32              HashAlgorithmMask
-  )
-  UINTN   Index;
-  UINT16  DigestSize;
-  UINT32  DigestListCount;
-  UINT32  *DigestListCountPtr;
-  DigestListCountPtr = (UINT32 *)Buffer;
-  DigestListCount    = 0;
-  Buffer             = (UINT8 *)Buffer + sizeof (DigestList->count);
-  for (Index = 0; Index < DigestList->count; Index++) {
-    if ((DigestList->digests[Index].hashAlg & HashAlgorithmMask) == 0) {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "WARNING: TD Event log has HashAlg unsupported 
(0x%x)\n", DigestList->digests[Index].hashAlg));
-      continue;
-    }
-    CopyMem (Buffer, &DigestList->digests[Index].hashAlg, sizeof 
-    Buffer     = (UINT8 *)Buffer + sizeof (DigestList->digests[Index].hashAlg);
-    DigestSize = GetHashSizeFromAlgo (DigestList->digests[Index].hashAlg);
-    CopyMem (Buffer, &DigestList->digests[Index].digest, DigestSize);
-    Buffer = (UINT8 *)Buffer + DigestSize;
-    DigestListCount++;
-  }
-  WriteUnaligned32 (DigestListCountPtr, DigestListCount);
-  return Buffer;
-EFI_HANDLE  mImageHandle;
-  Measure PE image into TPM log based on the authenticode image hashing in
-  PE/COFF Specification 8.0 Appendix A.
-  Caution: This function may receive untrusted input.
-  PE/COFF image is external input, so this function will validate its data 
-  within this image buffer before use.
-  Notes: PE/COFF image is checked by BasePeCoffLib PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo().
-  @param[in]  RtmrIndex        RTMR index
-  @param[in]  ImageAddress   Start address of image buffer.
-  @param[in]  ImageSize      Image size
-  @param[out] DigestList     Digest list of this image.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Successfully measure image.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   No enough resource to measure image.
-  @retval other error value
-MeasurePeImageAndExtend (
-  IN  UINT32                RtmrIndex,
-  IN  UINTN                 ImageSize,
-  );
-#define COLUME_SIZE  (16 * 2)
-  This function dump raw data.
-  @param  Data  raw data
-  @param  Size  raw data size
-InternalDumpData (
-  IN UINT8  *Data,
-  IN UINTN  Size
-  )
-  UINTN  Index;
-  for (Index = 0; Index < Size; Index++) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, Index == COLUME_SIZE/2 ? " | %02x" : " %02x", 
-  }
-  This function dump raw data with colume format.
-  @param  Data  raw data
-  @param  Size  raw data size
-InternalDumpHex (
-  IN UINT8  *Data,
-  IN UINTN  Size
-  )
-  UINTN  Index;
-  UINTN  Count;
-  UINTN  Left;
-  Count = Size / COLUME_SIZE;
-  Left  = Size % COLUME_SIZE;
-  for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%04x: ", Index * COLUME_SIZE));
-    InternalDumpData (Data + Index * COLUME_SIZE, COLUME_SIZE);
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "\n"));
-  }
-  if (Left != 0) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%04x: ", Index * COLUME_SIZE));
-    InternalDumpData (Data + Index * COLUME_SIZE, Left);
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "\n"));
-  }
-  This function initialize TD_EVENT_HDR for EV_NO_ACTION
-  Event Type other than EFI Specification ID event. The behavior is defined
-  by TCG PC Client PFP Spec. Section 9.3.4 EV_NO_ACTION Event Types
-  @param[in, out]   NoActionEvent  Event Header of EV_NO_ACTION Event
-  @param[in]        EventSize      Event Size of the EV_NO_ACTION Event
-InitNoActionEvent (
-  IN OUT CC_EVENT_HDR  *NoActionEvent,
-  IN UINT32            EventSize
-  )
-  UINT32         DigestListCount;
-  TPMI_ALG_HASH  HashAlgId;
-  UINT8          *DigestBuffer;
-  DigestBuffer    = (UINT8 *)NoActionEvent->Digests.digests;
-  DigestListCount = 0;
-  NoActionEvent->MrIndex   = 0;
-  NoActionEvent->EventType = EV_NO_ACTION;
-  //
-  // Set Hash count & hashAlg accordingly, while Digest.digests[n].digest to 
all 0
-  //
-  ZeroMem (&NoActionEvent->Digests, sizeof (NoActionEvent->Digests));
-  if ((mTdxDxeData.BsCap.HashAlgorithmBitmap & EFI_CC_BOOT_HASH_ALG_SHA384) != 
0) {
-    HashAlgId = TPM_ALG_SHA384;
-    CopyMem (DigestBuffer, &HashAlgId, sizeof (TPMI_ALG_HASH));
-    DigestBuffer += sizeof (TPMI_ALG_HASH) + GetHashSizeFromAlgo (HashAlgId);
-    DigestListCount++;
-  }
-  //
-  // Set Digests Count
-  //
-  WriteUnaligned32 ((UINT32 *)&NoActionEvent->Digests.count, DigestListCount);
-  //
-  // Set Event Size
-  //
-  WriteUnaligned32 ((UINT32 *)DigestBuffer, EventSize);
-  Get All processors EFI_CPU_LOCATION in system. LocationBuf is allocated 
inside the function
-  Caller is responsible to free LocationBuf.
-  @param[out] LocationBuf          Returns Processor Location Buffer.
-  @param[out] Num                  Returns processor number.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS              Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED       MpService protocol not found.
-GetProcessorsCpuLocation (
-  OUT  UINTN                      *Num
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS                 Status;
-  UINTN                      ProcessorNum;
-  UINTN                      EnabledProcessorNum;
-  UINTN                      Index;
-  Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiMpServiceProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID 
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    //
-    // MP protocol is not installed
-    //
-    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-  }
-  Status = MpProtocol->GetNumberOfProcessors (
-                         MpProtocol,
-                         &ProcessorNum,
-                         &EnabledProcessorNum
-                         );
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    return Status;
-  }
-  Status = gBS->AllocatePool (
-                  EfiBootServicesData,
-                  sizeof (EFI_CPU_PHYSICAL_LOCATION) * ProcessorNum,
-                  (VOID **)&ProcessorLocBuf
-                  );
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    return Status;
-  }
-  //
-  // Get each processor Location info
-  //
-  for (Index = 0; Index < ProcessorNum; Index++) {
-    Status = MpProtocol->GetProcessorInfo (
-                           MpProtocol,
-                           Index,
-                           &ProcessorInfo
-                           );
-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      FreePool (ProcessorLocBuf);
-      return Status;
-    }
-    //
-    // Get all Processor Location info & measure
-    //
-    CopyMem (
-      &ProcessorLocBuf[Index],
-      &ProcessorInfo.Location,
-      );
-  }
-  *LocationBuf = ProcessorLocBuf;
-  *Num         = ProcessorNum;
-  return Status;
-  The EFI_CC_MEASUREMENT_PROTOCOL GetCapability function call provides protocol
-  capability information and state information.
-  @param[in]      This               Indicates the calling context
-  @param[in, out] ProtocolCapability The caller allocates memory for a 
-                                     structure and sets the size field to the 
size of the structure allocated.
-                                     The callee fills in the fields with the 
EFI protocol capability information
-                                     and the current EFI TCG2 state 
information up to the number of fields which
-                                     fit within the size of the structure 
passed in.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       The command was unsuccessful.
-                                 The ProtocolCapability variable will not be 
-  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more of the parameters are incorrect.
-                                 The ProtocolCapability variable will not be 
-  @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL   The ProtocolCapability variable is too small 
to hold the full response.
-                                 It will be partially populated (required Size 
field will be set).
-TdGetCapability (
-  )
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "TdGetCapability\n"));
-  if ((This == NULL) || (ProtocolCapability == NULL)) {
-  }
-  CopyMem (ProtocolCapability, &mTdxDxeData.BsCap, sizeof 
-  return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  This function dump PCR event.
-  TD Event log reuse the TCG PCR Event spec.
-  The first event in the event log is the SHA1 log format.
-  There is only ONE TCG_PCR_EVENT in TD Event log.
-  @param[in]  EventHdr     TCG PCR event structure.
-DumpPcrEvent (
-  )
-  UINTN  Index;
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  Event:\n"));
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    MrIndex  - %d\n", EventHdr->PCRIndex));
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    EventType - 0x%08x\n", EventHdr->EventType));
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    Digest    - "));
-  for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof (TCG_DIGEST); Index++) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%02x ", EventHdr->Digest.digest[Index]));
-  }
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "\n"));
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    EventSize - 0x%08x\n", EventHdr->EventSize));
-  InternalDumpHex ((UINT8 *)(EventHdr + 1), EventHdr->EventSize);
-  This function dump TCG_EfiSpecIDEventStruct.
-  @param[in]  TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct     A pointer to 
-DumpTcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct (
-  IN TCG_EfiSpecIDEventStruct  *TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct
-  )
-  TCG_EfiSpecIdEventAlgorithmSize  *DigestSize;
-  UINTN                            Index;
-  UINT8                            *VendorInfoSize;
-  UINT8                            *VendorInfo;
-  UINT32                           NumberOfAlgorithms;
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  TCG_EfiSpecIDEventStruct:\n"));
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    signature          - '"));
-  for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof (TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct->signature); 
Index++) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%c", TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct->signature[Index]));
-  }
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "'\n"));
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    platformClass      - 0x%08x\n", 
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    specVersion        - %d.%d%d\n", 
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    uintnSize          - 0x%02x\n", 
-  CopyMem (&NumberOfAlgorithms, TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct + 1, sizeof 
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    NumberOfAlgorithms - 0x%08x\n", 
-  DigestSize = (TCG_EfiSpecIdEventAlgorithmSize *)((UINT8 
*)TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct + sizeof (*TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct) + sizeof 
-  for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfAlgorithms; Index++) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    digest(%d)\n", Index));
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "      algorithmId      - 0x%04x\n", 
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "      digestSize       - 0x%04x\n", 
-  }
-  VendorInfoSize = (UINT8 *)&DigestSize[NumberOfAlgorithms];
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    VendorInfoSize     - 0x%02x\n", *VendorInfoSize));
-  VendorInfo = VendorInfoSize + 1;
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    VendorInfo         - "));
-  for (Index = 0; Index < *VendorInfoSize; Index++) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%02x ", VendorInfo[Index]));
-  }
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "\n"));
-  This function get size of TCG_EfiSpecIDEventStruct.
-  @param[in]  TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct     A pointer to 
-GetTcgEfiSpecIdEventStructSize (
-  IN TCG_EfiSpecIDEventStruct  *TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct
-  )
-  TCG_EfiSpecIdEventAlgorithmSize  *DigestSize;
-  UINT8                            *VendorInfoSize;
-  UINT32                           NumberOfAlgorithms;
-  CopyMem (&NumberOfAlgorithms, TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct + 1, sizeof 
-  DigestSize     = (TCG_EfiSpecIdEventAlgorithmSize *)((UINT8 
*)TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct + sizeof (*TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct) + sizeof 
-  VendorInfoSize = (UINT8 *)&DigestSize[NumberOfAlgorithms];
-  return sizeof (TCG_EfiSpecIDEventStruct) + sizeof (UINT32) + 
(NumberOfAlgorithms * sizeof (TCG_EfiSpecIdEventAlgorithmSize)) + sizeof 
(UINT8) + (*VendorInfoSize);
-  This function dump TD Event (including the Digests).
-  @param[in]  CcEvent     TD Event structure.
-DumpCcEvent (
-  IN CC_EVENT  *CcEvent
-  )
-  UINT32         DigestIndex;
-  UINT32         DigestCount;
-  TPMI_ALG_HASH  HashAlgo;
-  UINT32         DigestSize;
-  UINT8          *DigestBuffer;
-  UINT32         EventSize;
-  UINT8          *EventBuffer;
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Cc Event:\n"));
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    MrIndex  - %d\n", CcEvent->MrIndex));
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    EventType - 0x%08x\n", CcEvent->EventType));
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    DigestCount: 0x%08x\n", CcEvent->Digests.count));
-  DigestCount  = CcEvent->Digests.count;
-  HashAlgo     = CcEvent->Digests.digests[0].hashAlg;
-  DigestBuffer = (UINT8 *)&CcEvent->Digests.digests[0].digest;
-  for (DigestIndex = 0; DigestIndex < DigestCount; DigestIndex++) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "      HashAlgo : 0x%04x\n", HashAlgo));
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "      Digest(%d): \n", DigestIndex));
-    DigestSize = GetHashSizeFromAlgo (HashAlgo);
-    InternalDumpHex (DigestBuffer, DigestSize);
-    //
-    // Prepare next
-    //
-    CopyMem (&HashAlgo, DigestBuffer + DigestSize, sizeof (TPMI_ALG_HASH));
-    DigestBuffer = DigestBuffer + DigestSize + sizeof (TPMI_ALG_HASH);
-  }
-  DigestBuffer = DigestBuffer - sizeof (TPMI_ALG_HASH);
-  CopyMem (&EventSize, DigestBuffer, sizeof (CcEvent->EventSize));
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "    EventSize - 0x%08x\n", EventSize));
-  EventBuffer = DigestBuffer + sizeof (CcEvent->EventSize);
-  InternalDumpHex (EventBuffer, EventSize);
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "\n"));
-  This function returns size of Td Table event.
-  @param[in]  CcEvent     Td Table event structure.
-  @return size of Td event.
-GetCcEventSize (
-  IN CC_EVENT  *CcEvent
-  )
-  UINT32         DigestIndex;
-  UINT32         DigestCount;
-  TPMI_ALG_HASH  HashAlgo;
-  UINT32         DigestSize;
-  UINT8          *DigestBuffer;
-  UINT32         EventSize;
-  UINT8          *EventBuffer;
-  DigestCount  = CcEvent->Digests.count;
-  HashAlgo     = CcEvent->Digests.digests[0].hashAlg;
-  DigestBuffer = (UINT8 *)&CcEvent->Digests.digests[0].digest;
-  for (DigestIndex = 0; DigestIndex < DigestCount; DigestIndex++) {
-    DigestSize = GetHashSizeFromAlgo (HashAlgo);
-    //
-    // Prepare next
-    //
-    CopyMem (&HashAlgo, DigestBuffer + DigestSize, sizeof (TPMI_ALG_HASH));
-    DigestBuffer = DigestBuffer + DigestSize + sizeof (TPMI_ALG_HASH);
-  }
-  DigestBuffer = DigestBuffer - sizeof (TPMI_ALG_HASH);
-  CopyMem (&EventSize, DigestBuffer, sizeof (CcEvent->EventSize));
-  EventBuffer = DigestBuffer + sizeof (CcEvent->EventSize);
-  return (UINTN)EventBuffer + EventSize - (UINTN)CcEvent;
-  This function dump CC event log.
-  @param[in]  EventLogFormat     The type of the event log for which the 
information is requested.
-  @param[in]  EventLogLocation   A pointer to the memory address of the event 
-  @param[in]  EventLogLastEntry  If the Event Log contains more than one 
entry, this is a pointer to the
-                                 address of the start of the last entry in the 
event log in memory.
-  @param[in]  FinalEventsTable   A pointer to the memory address of the final 
event table.
-DumpCcEventLog (
-  IN EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT    EventLogFormat,
-  IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS       EventLogLocation,
-  IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS       EventLogLastEntry,
-  )
-  TCG_PCR_EVENT_HDR         *EventHdr;
-  CC_EVENT                  *CcEvent;
-  TCG_EfiSpecIDEventStruct  *TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct;
-  UINTN                     NumberOfEvents;
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "EventLogFormat: (0x%x)\n", EventLogFormat));
-  //
-  // Dump first event.
-  // The first event is always the TCG_PCR_EVENT_HDR
-  // After this event is a TCG_EfiSpecIDEventStruct
-  //
-  EventHdr = (TCG_PCR_EVENT_HDR *)(UINTN)EventLogLocation;
-  DumpPcrEvent (EventHdr);
-  TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct = (TCG_EfiSpecIDEventStruct *)(EventHdr + 1);
-  DumpTcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct (TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct);
-  //
-  // Then the CcEvent (Its structure is similar to TCG_PCR_EVENT2)
-  //
-  CcEvent = (CC_EVENT *)((UINTN)TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct + 
GetTcgEfiSpecIdEventStructSize (TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct));
-  while ((UINTN)CcEvent <= EventLogLastEntry) {
-    DumpCcEvent (CcEvent);
-    CcEvent = (CC_EVENT *)((UINTN)CcEvent + GetCcEventSize (CcEvent));
-  }
-  if (FinalEventsTable == NULL) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "FinalEventsTable: NOT FOUND\n"));
-  } else {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "FinalEventsTable:    (0x%x)\n", FinalEventsTable));
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  Version:           (0x%x)\n", 
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  NumberOfEvents:    (0x%x)\n", 
-    CcEvent = (CC_EVENT *)(UINTN)(FinalEventsTable + 1);
-    for (NumberOfEvents = 0; NumberOfEvents < 
FinalEventsTable->NumberOfEvents; NumberOfEvents++) {
-      DumpCcEvent (CcEvent);
-      CcEvent = (CC_EVENT *)((UINTN)CcEvent + GetCcEventSize (CcEvent));
-    }
-  }
-  return;
-  The EFI_CC_MEASUREMENT_PROTOCOL Get Event Log function call allows a caller 
-  retrieve the address of a given event log and its last entry.
-  @param[in]  This               Indicates the calling context
-  @param[in]  EventLogFormat     The type of the event log for which the 
information is requested.
-  @param[out] EventLogLocation   A pointer to the memory address of the event 
-  @param[out] EventLogLastEntry  If the Event Log contains more than one 
entry, this is a pointer to the
-                                 address of the start of the last entry in the 
event log in memory.
-  @param[out] EventLogTruncated  If the Event Log is missing at least one 
entry because an event would
-                                 have exceeded the area allocated for events, 
this value is set to TRUE.
-                                 Otherwise, the value will be FALSE and the 
Event Log will be complete.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more of the parameters are incorrect
-                                 (e.g. asking for an event log whose format is 
not supported).
-TdGetEventLog (
-  IN EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT      EventLogFormat,
-  OUT EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS        *EventLogLocation,
-  OUT EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS        *EventLogLastEntry,
-  OUT BOOLEAN                     *EventLogTruncated
-  )
-  UINTN  Index = 0;
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "TdGetEventLog ... (0x%x)\n", EventLogFormat));
-  if (EventLogLocation != NULL) {
-    *EventLogLocation = mTdxDxeData.EventLogAreaStruct[Index].Lasa;
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "TdGetEventLog (EventLogLocation - %x)\n", 
-  }
-  if (EventLogLastEntry != NULL) {
-    if (!mTdxDxeData.EventLogAreaStruct[Index].EventLogStarted) {
-      *EventLogLastEntry = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)0;
-    } else {
-      *EventLogLastEntry = 
-    }
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "TdGetEventLog (EventLogLastEntry - %x)\n", 
-  }
-  if (EventLogTruncated != NULL) {
-    *EventLogTruncated = 
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "TdGetEventLog (EventLogTruncated - %x)\n", 
-  }
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "TdGetEventLog - %r\n", EFI_SUCCESS));
-  // Dump Event Log for debug purpose
-  if ((EventLogLocation != NULL) && (EventLogLastEntry != NULL)) {
-    DumpCcEventLog (EventLogFormat, *EventLogLocation, *EventLogLastEntry, 
-  }
-  //
-  // All events generated after the invocation of EFI_TCG2_GET_EVENT_LOG SHALL 
be stored
-  // in an instance of an EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE named by the VendorGuid of 
-  //
-  mTdxDxeData.GetEventLogCalled[Index] = TRUE;
-  return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  Return if this is a Tcg800155PlatformIdEvent.
-  @param[in]      NewEventHdr         Pointer to a 
-  @param[in]      NewEventHdrSize     New event header size.
-  @param[in]      NewEventData        Pointer to the new event data.
-  @param[in]      NewEventSize        New event data size.
-  @retval TRUE   This is a Tcg800155PlatformIdEvent.
-  @retval FALSE  This is NOT a Tcg800155PlatformIdEvent.
-Is800155Event (
-  IN      VOID    *NewEventHdr,
-  IN      UINT32  NewEventHdrSize,
-  IN      UINT8   *NewEventData,
-  IN      UINT32  NewEventSize
-  )
-  if ((((TCG_PCR_EVENT2_HDR *)NewEventHdr)->EventType == EV_NO_ACTION) &&
-      (NewEventSize >= sizeof (TCG_Sp800_155_PlatformId_Event2)) &&
-      (CompareMem (
-         NewEventData,
-         TCG_Sp800_155_PlatformId_Event2_SIGNATURE,
-         sizeof (TCG_Sp800_155_PlatformId_Event2_SIGNATURE) - 1
-         ) == 0))
-  {
-    return TRUE;
-  }
-  return FALSE;
-  Add a new entry to the Event Log.
-  @param[in, out] EventLogAreaStruct  The event log area data structure
-  @param[in]      NewEventHdr         Pointer to a 
-  @param[in]      NewEventHdrSize     New event header size.
-  @param[in]      NewEventData        Pointer to the new event data.
-  @param[in]      NewEventSize        New event data size.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The new event log entry was added.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  No enough memory to log the new event.
-TcgCommLogEvent (
-  IN      VOID                      *NewEventHdr,
-  IN      UINT32                    NewEventHdrSize,
-  IN      UINT8                     *NewEventData,
-  IN      UINT32                    NewEventSize
-  )
-  UINTN         NewLogSize;
-  BOOLEAN       Record800155Event;
-  CC_EVENT_HDR  *CcEventHdr;
-  CcEventHdr = (CC_EVENT_HDR *)NewEventHdr;
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Td: Try to log event. Index = %d, EventType = 
0x%x\n", CcEventHdr->MrIndex, CcEventHdr->EventType));
-  if (NewEventSize > MAX_ADDRESS -  NewEventHdrSize) {
-  }
-  NewLogSize = NewEventHdrSize + NewEventSize;
-  if (NewLogSize > MAX_ADDRESS -  EventLogAreaStruct->EventLogSize) {
-  }
-  if (NewLogSize + EventLogAreaStruct->EventLogSize > 
EventLogAreaStruct->Laml) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  Laml       - 0x%x\n", EventLogAreaStruct->Laml));
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  NewLogSize - 0x%x\n", NewLogSize));
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  LogSize    - 0x%x\n", 
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "TcgCommLogEvent - %r\n", EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES));
-  }
-  //
-  // Check 800-155 event
-  // Record to 800-155 event offset only.
-  // If the offset is 0, no need to record.
-  //
-  Record800155Event = Is800155Event (NewEventHdr, NewEventHdrSize, 
NewEventData, NewEventSize);
-  if (Record800155Event) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "It is 800155Event.\n"));
-    if (EventLogAreaStruct->Next800155EventOffset != 0) {
-      CopyMem (
-        (UINT8 *)(UINTN)EventLogAreaStruct->Lasa + 
EventLogAreaStruct->Next800155EventOffset + NewLogSize,
-        (UINT8 *)(UINTN)EventLogAreaStruct->Lasa + 
-        EventLogAreaStruct->EventLogSize - 
-        );
-      CopyMem (
-        (UINT8 *)(UINTN)EventLogAreaStruct->Lasa + 
-        NewEventHdr,
-        NewEventHdrSize
-        );
-      CopyMem (
-        (UINT8 *)(UINTN)EventLogAreaStruct->Lasa + 
EventLogAreaStruct->Next800155EventOffset + NewEventHdrSize,
-        NewEventData,
-        NewEventSize
-        );
-      EventLogAreaStruct->Next800155EventOffset += NewLogSize;
-      EventLogAreaStruct->LastEvent             += NewLogSize;
-      EventLogAreaStruct->EventLogSize          += NewLogSize;
-    }
-    return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  }
-  EventLogAreaStruct->LastEvent     = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)EventLogAreaStruct->Lasa 
+ EventLogAreaStruct->EventLogSize;
-  EventLogAreaStruct->EventLogSize += NewLogSize;
-  CopyMem (EventLogAreaStruct->LastEvent, NewEventHdr, NewEventHdrSize);
-  CopyMem (
-    EventLogAreaStruct->LastEvent + NewEventHdrSize,
-    NewEventData,
-    NewEventSize
-    );
-  return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  According to UEFI Spec 2.10 Section 38.4.1:
-    The following table shows the TPM PCR index mapping and CC event log 
-  register index interpretation for Intel TDX, where MRTD means Trust Domain 
-   Register and RTMR means Runtime Measurement Register
-    // TPM PCR Index | CC Measurement Register Index | TDX-measurement register
-    //  
-    // 0             |   0                           |   MRTD
-    // 1, 7          |   1                           |   RTMR[0]
-    // 2~6           |   2                           |   RTMR[1]
-    // 8~15          |   3                           |   RTMR[2]
-  @param[in] PCRIndex Index of the TPM PCR
-  @retval    UINT32               Index of the CC Event Log Measurement 
Register Index
-  @retval    CC_MR_INDEX_INVALID  Invalid MR Index
-MapPcrToMrIndex (
-  IN  UINT32  PCRIndex
-  )
-  UINT32  MrIndex;
-  if (PCRIndex > 15) {
-    return CC_MR_INDEX_INVALID;
-  }
-  MrIndex = 0;
-  if (PCRIndex == 0) {
-    MrIndex = CC_MR_INDEX_0_MRTD;
-  } else if ((PCRIndex == 1) || (PCRIndex == 7)) {
-    MrIndex = CC_MR_INDEX_1_RTMR0;
-  } else if ((PCRIndex >= 2) && (PCRIndex <= 6)) {
-    MrIndex = CC_MR_INDEX_2_RTMR1;
-  } else if ((PCRIndex >= 8) && (PCRIndex <= 15)) {
-    MrIndex = CC_MR_INDEX_3_RTMR2;
-  }
-  return MrIndex;
-TdMapPcrToMrIndex (
-  IN  UINT32                       PCRIndex,
-  OUT UINT32                       *MrIndex
-  )
-  if (MrIndex == NULL) {
-  }
-  *MrIndex = MapPcrToMrIndex (PCRIndex);
-  Add a new entry to the Event Log.
-  @param[in] EventLogFormat  The type of the event log for which the 
information is requested.
-  @param[in] NewEventHdr     Pointer to a TCG_PCR_EVENT_HDR/TCG_PCR_EVENT_EX 
data structure.
-  @param[in] NewEventHdrSize New event header size.
-  @param[in] NewEventData    Pointer to the new event data.
-  @param[in] NewEventSize    New event data size.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The new event log entry was added.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  No enough memory to log the new event.
-TdxDxeLogEvent (
-  IN      EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT  EventLogFormat,
-  IN      VOID                     *NewEventHdr,
-  IN      UINT32                   NewEventHdrSize,
-  IN      UINT8                    *NewEventData,
-  IN      UINT32                   NewEventSize
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS                Status;
-  UINTN                     Index;
-  CC_EVENT_LOG_AREA_STRUCT  *EventLogAreaStruct;
-  if (EventLogFormat != EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT_TCG_2) {
-  }
-  Index = 0;
-  //
-  // Record to normal event log
-  //
-  EventLogAreaStruct = &mTdxDxeData.EventLogAreaStruct[Index];
-  if (EventLogAreaStruct->EventLogTruncated) {
-    return EFI_VOLUME_FULL;
-  }
-  Status = TcgCommLogEvent (
-             EventLogAreaStruct,
-             NewEventHdr,
-             NewEventHdrSize,
-             NewEventData,
-             NewEventSize
-             );
-  if (Status == EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES) {
-    EventLogAreaStruct->EventLogTruncated = TRUE;
-    return EFI_VOLUME_FULL;
-  } else if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
-    EventLogAreaStruct->EventLogStarted = TRUE;
-  }
-  //
-  // If GetEventLog is called, record to FinalEventsTable, too.
-  //
-  if (mTdxDxeData.GetEventLogCalled[Index]) {
-    if (mTdxDxeData.FinalEventsTable[Index] == NULL) {
-      //
-      // no need for FinalEventsTable
-      //
-      return EFI_SUCCESS;
-    }
-    EventLogAreaStruct = &mTdxDxeData.FinalEventLogAreaStruct[Index];
-    if (EventLogAreaStruct->EventLogTruncated) {
-      return EFI_VOLUME_FULL;
-    }
-    Status = TcgCommLogEvent (
-               EventLogAreaStruct,
-               NewEventHdr,
-               NewEventHdrSize,
-               NewEventData,
-               NewEventSize
-               );
-    if (Status == EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES) {
-      EventLogAreaStruct->EventLogTruncated = TRUE;
-      return EFI_VOLUME_FULL;
-    } else if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
-      EventLogAreaStruct->EventLogStarted = TRUE;
-      //
-      // Increase the NumberOfEvents in FinalEventsTable
-      //
-      (mTdxDxeData.FinalEventsTable[Index])->NumberOfEvents++;
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "FinalEventsTable->NumberOfEvents - 0x%x\n", 
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "  Size - 0x%x\n", 
-    }
-  }
-  return Status;
-  Get TPML_DIGEST_VALUES compact binary buffer size.
-  @param[in]     DigestListBin    TPML_DIGEST_VALUES compact binary buffer.
-  @return TPML_DIGEST_VALUES compact binary buffer size.
-GetDigestListBinSize (
-  IN VOID  *DigestListBin
-  )
-  UINTN          Index;
-  UINT16         DigestSize;
-  UINT32         TotalSize;
-  UINT32         Count;
-  TPMI_ALG_HASH  HashAlg;
-  Count         = ReadUnaligned32 (DigestListBin);
-  TotalSize     = sizeof (Count);
-  DigestListBin = (UINT8 *)DigestListBin + sizeof (Count);
-  for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
-    HashAlg       = ReadUnaligned16 (DigestListBin);
-    TotalSize    += sizeof (HashAlg);
-    DigestListBin = (UINT8 *)DigestListBin + sizeof (HashAlg);
-    DigestSize    = GetHashSizeFromAlgo (HashAlg);
-    TotalSize    += DigestSize;
-    DigestListBin = (UINT8 *)DigestListBin + DigestSize;
-  }
-  return TotalSize;
-  Copy TPML_DIGEST_VALUES compact binary into a buffer
-  @param[in,out]    Buffer                  Buffer to hold copied 
TPML_DIGEST_VALUES compact binary.
-  @param[in]        DigestListBin           TPML_DIGEST_VALUES compact binary 
-  @param[in]        HashAlgorithmMask       HASH bits corresponding to the 
desired digests to copy.
-  @param[out]       HashAlgorithmMaskCopied Pointer to HASH bits corresponding 
to the digests copied.
-  @return The end of buffer to hold TPML_DIGEST_VALUES compact binary.
-CopyDigestListBinToBuffer (
-  IN OUT VOID  *Buffer,
-  IN VOID      *DigestListBin,
-  IN UINT32    HashAlgorithmMask,
-  OUT UINT32   *HashAlgorithmMaskCopied
-  )
-  UINTN          Index;
-  UINT16         DigestSize;
-  UINT32         Count;
-  TPMI_ALG_HASH  HashAlg;
-  UINT32         DigestListCount;
-  UINT32         *DigestListCountPtr;
-  DigestListCountPtr       = (UINT32 *)Buffer;
-  DigestListCount          = 0;
-  *HashAlgorithmMaskCopied = 0;
-  Count         = ReadUnaligned32 (DigestListBin);
-  Buffer        = (UINT8 *)Buffer + sizeof (Count);
-  DigestListBin = (UINT8 *)DigestListBin + sizeof (Count);
-  for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
-    HashAlg       = ReadUnaligned16 (DigestListBin);
-    DigestListBin = (UINT8 *)DigestListBin + sizeof (HashAlg);
-    DigestSize    = GetHashSizeFromAlgo (HashAlg);
-    if ((HashAlg & HashAlgorithmMask) != 0) {
-      CopyMem (Buffer, &HashAlg, sizeof (HashAlg));
-      Buffer = (UINT8 *)Buffer + sizeof (HashAlg);
-      CopyMem (Buffer, DigestListBin, DigestSize);
-      Buffer = (UINT8 *)Buffer + DigestSize;
-      DigestListCount++;
-      (*HashAlgorithmMaskCopied) |= GetHashMaskFromAlgo (HashAlg);
-    } else {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "WARNING: CopyDigestListBinToBuffer Event log has 
HashAlg unsupported by PCR bank (0x%x)\n", HashAlg));
-    }
-    DigestListBin = (UINT8 *)DigestListBin + DigestSize;
-  }
-  WriteUnaligned32 (DigestListCountPtr, DigestListCount);
-  return Buffer;
-  Add a new entry to the Event Log. The call chain is like below:
-  TdxDxeLogHashEvent -> TdxDxeLogEvent -> TcgCommonLogEvent
-  Before this function is called, the event information (including the digest)
-  is ready.
-  @param[in]     DigestList    A list of digest.
-  @param[in,out] NewEventHdr   Pointer to a TD_EVENT_HDR data structure.
-  @param[in]     NewEventData  Pointer to the new event data.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The new event log entry was added.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  No enough memory to log the new event.
-TdxDxeLogHashEvent (
-  IN      TPML_DIGEST_VALUES  *DigestList,
-  IN OUT  CC_EVENT_HDR        *NewEventHdr,
-  IN      UINT8               *NewEventData
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS               Status;
-  EFI_TPL                  OldTpl;
-  EFI_STATUS               RetStatus;
-  CC_EVENT                 CcEvent;
-  UINT8                    *DigestBuffer;
-  UINT32                   *EventSizePtr;
-  RetStatus = EFI_SUCCESS;
-  ZeroMem (&CcEvent, sizeof (CcEvent));
-  CcEvent.MrIndex   = NewEventHdr->MrIndex;
-  CcEvent.EventType = NewEventHdr->EventType;
-  DigestBuffer      = (UINT8 *)&CcEvent.Digests;
-  EventSizePtr      = CopyDigestListToBuffer (DigestBuffer, DigestList, 
-  CopyMem (EventSizePtr, &NewEventHdr->EventSize, sizeof 
-  //
-  // Enter critical region
-  //
-  OldTpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_HIGH_LEVEL);
-  Status = TdxDxeLogEvent (
-             LogFormat,
-             &CcEvent,
-             sizeof (CcEvent.MrIndex) + sizeof (CcEvent.EventType) + 
GetDigestListBinSize (DigestBuffer) + sizeof (CcEvent.EventSize),
-             NewEventData,
-             NewEventHdr->EventSize
-             );
-  if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
-    RetStatus = Status;
-  }
-  gBS->RestoreTPL (OldTpl);
-  return RetStatus;
-  Do a hash operation on a data buffer, extend a specific RTMR with the hash 
-  and add an entry to the Event Log.
-  @param[in]      Flags         Bitmap providing additional information.
-  @param[in]      HashData      Physical address of the start of the data 
-                                to be hashed, extended, and logged.
-  @param[in]      HashDataLen   The length, in bytes, of the buffer referenced 
by HashData
-  @param[in, out] NewEventHdr   Pointer to a TD_EVENT_HDR data structure.
-  @param[in]      NewEventData  Pointer to the new event data.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  No enough memory to log the new event.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The command was unsuccessful.
-TdxDxeHashLogExtendEvent (
-  IN      UINT64        Flags,
-  IN      UINT8         *HashData,
-  IN      UINT64        HashDataLen,
-  IN OUT  CC_EVENT_HDR  *NewEventHdr,
-  IN      UINT8         *NewEventData
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS          Status;
-  CC_EVENT_HDR        NoActionEvent;
-  if (NewEventHdr->EventType == EV_NO_ACTION) {
-    //
-    // Do not do RTMR extend for EV_NO_ACTION
-    //
-    Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
-    InitNoActionEvent (&NoActionEvent, NewEventHdr->EventSize);
-    if ((Flags & EFI_CC_FLAG_EXTEND_ONLY) == 0) {
-      Status = TdxDxeLogHashEvent (&(NoActionEvent.Digests), NewEventHdr, 
-    }
-    return Status;
-  }
-  //
-  // According to UEFI Spec 2.10 Section 38.4.1 the mapping between MrIndex 
and Intel
-  // TDX Measurement Register is:
-  //    MrIndex 0   <--> MRTD
-  //    MrIndex 1-3 <--> RTMR[0-2]
-  // Only the RMTR registers can be extended in TDVF by HashAndExtend. So 
MrIndex will
-  // decreased by 1 before it is sent to HashAndExtend.
-  //
-  Status = HashAndExtend (
-             NewEventHdr->MrIndex - 1,
-             HashData,
-             (UINTN)HashDataLen,
-             &DigestList
-             );
-  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    if ((Flags & EFI_CC_FLAG_EXTEND_ONLY) == 0) {
-      Status = TdxDxeLogHashEvent (&DigestList, NewEventHdr, NewEventData);
-    }
-  }
-  return Status;
-  The EFI_CC_MEASUREMENT_PROTOCOL HashLogExtendEvent function call provides 
callers with
-  an opportunity to extend and optionally log events without requiring
-  knowledge of actual TPM commands.
-  The extend operation will occur even if this function cannot create an event
-  log entry (e.g. due to the event log being full).
-  @param[in]  This               Indicates the calling context
-  @param[in]  Flags              Bitmap providing additional information.
-  @param[in]  DataToHash         Physical address of the start of the data 
buffer to be hashed.
-  @param[in]  DataToHashLen      The length in bytes of the buffer referenced 
by DataToHash.
-  @param[in]  Event              Pointer to data buffer containing information 
about the event.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR       The command was unsuccessful.
-  @retval EFI_VOLUME_FULL        The extend operation occurred, but the event 
could not be written to one or more event logs.
-  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  One or more of the parameters are incorrect.
-  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The PE/COFF image type is not supported.
-TdHashLogExtendEvent (
-  IN UINT64                       Flags,
-  IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS         DataToHash,
-  IN UINT64                       DataToHashLen,
-  IN EFI_CC_EVENT                 *CcEvent
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS          Status;
-  CC_EVENT_HDR        NewEventHdr;
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "TdHashLogExtendEvent ...\n"));
-  if ((This == NULL) || (CcEvent == NULL)) {
-  }
-  //
-  // Do not check hash data size for EV_NO_ACTION event.
-  //
-  if ((CcEvent->Header.EventType != EV_NO_ACTION) && (DataToHash == 0)) {
-  }
-  if (CcEvent->Size < CcEvent->Header.HeaderSize + sizeof (UINT32)) {
-  }
-  if (CcEvent->Header.MrIndex == CC_MR_INDEX_0_MRTD) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: MRTD cannot be extended in TDVF.\n", __func__));
-  }
-  if (CcEvent->Header.MrIndex >= CC_MR_INDEX_INVALID) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: MrIndex is invalid. (%d)\n", __func__, 
-  }
-  NewEventHdr.MrIndex   = CcEvent->Header.MrIndex;
-  NewEventHdr.EventType = CcEvent->Header.EventType;
-  NewEventHdr.EventSize = CcEvent->Size - sizeof (UINT32) - 
-  if ((Flags & EFI_CC_FLAG_PE_COFF_IMAGE) != 0) {
-    //
-    // According to UEFI Spec 2.10 Section 38.4.1 the mapping between MrIndex 
and Intel
-    // TDX Measurement Register is:
-    //    MrIndex 0   <--> MRTD
-    //    MrIndex 1-3 <--> RTMR[0-2]
-    // Only the RMTR registers can be extended in TDVF by HashAndExtend. So 
MrIndex will
-    // decreased by 1 before it is sent to MeasurePeImageAndExtend.
-    //
-    Status = MeasurePeImageAndExtend (
-               NewEventHdr.MrIndex - 1,
-               DataToHash,
-               (UINTN)DataToHashLen,
-               &DigestList
-               );
-    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      if ((Flags & EFI_CC_FLAG_EXTEND_ONLY) == 0) {
-        Status = TdxDxeLogHashEvent (&DigestList, &NewEventHdr, 
-      }
-    }
-  } else {
-    Status = TdxDxeHashLogExtendEvent (
-               Flags,
-               (UINT8 *)(UINTN)DataToHash,
-               DataToHashLen,
-               &NewEventHdr,
-               CcEvent->Event
-               );
-  }
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "TdHashLogExtendEvent - %r\n", Status));
-  return Status;
-  TdGetCapability,
-  TdGetEventLog,
-  TdHashLogExtendEvent,
-  TdMapPcrToMrIndex,
-#define TD_HASH_COUNT  1
-#define TEMP_BUF_LEN   (sizeof(TCG_EfiSpecIDEventStruct) +  sizeof(UINT32) \
-                     + (TD_HASH_COUNT * 
sizeof(TCG_EfiSpecIdEventAlgorithmSize)) + sizeof(UINT8))
-  Initialize the TD Event Log and log events passed from the PEI phase.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Out of memory.
-SetupCcEventLog (
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS                       Status;
-  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS             Lasa;
-  UINTN                            Index;
-  TCG_EfiSpecIDEventStruct         *TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct;
-  UINT8                            TempBuf[TEMP_BUF_LEN];
-  TCG_PCR_EVENT_HDR                SpecIdEvent;
-  TCG_EfiSpecIdEventAlgorithmSize  *DigestSize;
-  TCG_EfiSpecIdEventAlgorithmSize  *TempDigestSize;
-  UINT8                            *VendorInfoSize;
-  UINT32                           NumberOfAlgorithms;
-  EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT          LogFormat;
-  EFI_PEI_HOB_POINTERS             GuidHob;
-  CC_EVENT_HDR                     NoActionEvent;
-  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SetupCcEventLog\n"));
-  Index     = 0;
-  //
-  // 1. Create Log Area
-  //
-  mTdxDxeData.EventLogAreaStruct[Index].EventLogFormat = LogFormat;
-  // allocate pages for TD Event log
-  Status = gBS->AllocatePages (
-                  AllocateAnyPages,
-                  EfiACPIMemoryNVS,
-                  EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (PcdGet32 (PcdTcgLogAreaMinLen)),
-                  &Lasa
-                  );
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    return Status;
-  }
-  mTdxDxeData.EventLogAreaStruct[Index].Lasa                  = Lasa;
-  mTdxDxeData.EventLogAreaStruct[Index].Laml                  = PcdGet32 
-  mTdxDxeData.EventLogAreaStruct[Index].Next800155EventOffset = 0;
-  //
-  // Report TD event log address and length, so that they can be reported in
-  // TD ACPI table. Ignore the return status, because those fields are 
-  //
-  PcdSet32S (PcdCcEventlogAcpiTableLaml, 
-  PcdSet64S (PcdCcEventlogAcpiTableLasa, 
-  //
-  // To initialize them as 0xFF is recommended
-  // because the OS can know the last entry for that.
-  //
-  SetMem ((VOID *)(UINTN)Lasa, PcdGet32 (PcdTcgLogAreaMinLen), 0xFF);
-  //
-  // Create first entry for Log Header Entry Data
-  //
-  //
-  // TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct
-  //
-  TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct = (TCG_EfiSpecIDEventStruct *)TempBuf;
-  CopyMem (TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct->signature, 
TCG_EfiSpecIDEventStruct_SIGNATURE_03, sizeof 
-  TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct->platformClass = PcdGet8 (PcdTpmPlatformClass);
-  TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct->specVersionMajor = 
-  TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct->specVersionMinor = 
-  TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct->specErrata       = 
-  TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct->uintnSize        = sizeof (UINTN)/sizeof (UINT32);
-  NumberOfAlgorithms                        = 0;
-  DigestSize                                = (TCG_EfiSpecIdEventAlgorithmSize 
*)((UINT8 *)TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct
   + sizeof (*TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct)
   + sizeof (NumberOfAlgorithms));
-  TempDigestSize              = DigestSize;
-  TempDigestSize             += NumberOfAlgorithms;
-  TempDigestSize->algorithmId = TPM_ALG_SHA384;
-  TempDigestSize->digestSize  = SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE;
-  NumberOfAlgorithms++;
-  CopyMem (TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct + 1, &NumberOfAlgorithms, sizeof 
-  TempDigestSize  = DigestSize;
-  TempDigestSize += NumberOfAlgorithms;
-  VendorInfoSize  = (UINT8 *)TempDigestSize;
-  *VendorInfoSize = 0;
-  SpecIdEvent.PCRIndex  = 1; // PCRIndex 0 maps to MrIndex 1
-  SpecIdEvent.EventType = EV_NO_ACTION;
-  ZeroMem (&SpecIdEvent.Digest, sizeof (SpecIdEvent.Digest));
-  SpecIdEvent.EventSize = (UINT32)GetTcgEfiSpecIdEventStructSize 
-  //
-  // TD Event log re-use the spec of TCG2 Event log.
-  // Log TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct as the first Event. Event format is 
-  //   TCG EFI Protocol Spec. Section 5.3 Event Log Header
-  //   TCG PC Client PFP spec. Section 9.2 Measurement Event Entries and Log
-  //
-  Status = TdxDxeLogEvent (
-             LogFormat,
-             &SpecIdEvent,
-             sizeof (SpecIdEvent),
-             (UINT8 *)TcgEfiSpecIdEventStruct,
-             SpecIdEvent.EventSize
-             );
-  //
-  // record the offset at the end of 800-155 event.
-  // the future 800-155 event can be inserted here.
-  //
-  mTdxDxeData.EventLogAreaStruct[Index].Next800155EventOffset = 
-  //
-  // Tcg800155PlatformIdEvent. Event format is TCG_PCR_EVENT2
-  //
-  GuidHob.Guid = GetFirstGuidHob (&gTcg800155PlatformIdEventHobGuid);
-  while (GuidHob.Guid != NULL) {
-    InitNoActionEvent (&NoActionEvent, GET_GUID_HOB_DATA_SIZE (GuidHob.Guid));
-    Status = TdxDxeLogEvent (
-               LogFormat,
-               &NoActionEvent,
-               sizeof (NoActionEvent.MrIndex) + sizeof 
(NoActionEvent.EventType) + GetDigestListBinSize (&NoActionEvent.Digests) + 
sizeof (NoActionEvent.EventSize),
-               GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob.Guid),
-               GET_GUID_HOB_DATA_SIZE (GuidHob.Guid)
-               );
-    GuidHob.Guid = GET_NEXT_HOB (GuidHob);
-    GuidHob.Guid = GetNextGuidHob (&gTcg800155PlatformIdEventHobGuid, 
-  }
-  //
-  // 2. Create Final Log Area
-  //
-  Status = gBS->AllocatePages (
-                  AllocateAnyPages,
-                  EfiACPIMemoryNVS,
-                  EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (PcdGet32 (PcdTcg2FinalLogAreaLen)),
-                  &Lasa
-                  );
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    return Status;
-  }
-  SetMem ((VOID *)(UINTN)Lasa, PcdGet32 (PcdTcg2FinalLogAreaLen), 0xFF);
-  //
-  // Initialize
-  //
-  mTdxDxeData.FinalEventsTable[Index]                   = (VOID *)(UINTN)Lasa;
-  (mTdxDxeData.FinalEventsTable[Index])->Version        = 
-  (mTdxDxeData.FinalEventsTable[Index])->NumberOfEvents = 0;
-  mTdxDxeData.FinalEventLogAreaStruct[Index].EventLogFormat        = LogFormat;
-  mTdxDxeData.FinalEventLogAreaStruct[Index].Lasa                  = Lasa + 
-  mTdxDxeData.FinalEventLogAreaStruct[Index].Laml                  = PcdGet32 
(PcdTcg2FinalLogAreaLen) - sizeof (EFI_CC_FINAL_EVENTS_TABLE);
-  mTdxDxeData.FinalEventLogAreaStruct[Index].EventLogSize          = 0;
-  mTdxDxeData.FinalEventLogAreaStruct[Index].LastEvent             = (VOID 
-  mTdxDxeData.FinalEventLogAreaStruct[Index].EventLogStarted       = FALSE;
-  mTdxDxeData.FinalEventLogAreaStruct[Index].EventLogTruncated     = FALSE;
-  mTdxDxeData.FinalEventLogAreaStruct[Index].Next800155EventOffset = 0;
-  //
-  // Install to configuration table for EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT_TCG_2
-  //
-  Status = gBS->InstallConfigurationTable (&gEfiCcFinalEventsTableGuid, (VOID 
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    return Status;
-  }
-  return Status;
-  Measure and log an action string, and extend the measurement result into 
-  @param[in] MrIndex        MrIndex to extend
-  @param[in] String           A specific string that indicates an Action event.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS         Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR    The operation was unsuccessful.
-TdMeasureAction (
-  IN      UINT32  MrIndex,
-  IN      CHAR8   *String
-  )
-  CC_EVENT_HDR  CcEvent;
-  CcEvent.MrIndex   = MrIndex;
-  CcEvent.EventType = EV_EFI_ACTION;
-  CcEvent.EventSize = (UINT32)AsciiStrLen (String);
-  return TdxDxeHashLogExtendEvent (
-           0,
-           (UINT8 *)String,
-           CcEvent.EventSize,
-           &CcEvent,
-           (UINT8 *)String
-           );
-  Measure and log EFI handoff tables, and extend the measurement result into 
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS         Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR    The operation was unsuccessful.
-MeasureHandoffTables (
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS                  Status;
-  CC_EVENT_HDR                CcEvent;
-  UINTN                       ProcessorNum;
-  ProcessorLocBuf = NULL;
-  Status          = EFI_SUCCESS;
-  if (PcdGet8 (PcdTpmPlatformClass) == TCG_PLATFORM_TYPE_SERVER) {
-    //
-    // Tcg Server spec.
-    // Measure each processor EFI_CPU_PHYSICAL_LOCATION with 
-    //
-    Status = GetProcessorsCpuLocation (&ProcessorLocBuf, &ProcessorNum);
-    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      CcEvent.MrIndex   = MapPcrToMrIndex (1);
-      CcEvent.EventType = EV_TABLE_OF_DEVICES;
-      CcEvent.EventSize = sizeof (HandoffTables);
-      HandoffTables.NumberOfTables            = 1;
-      HandoffTables.TableEntry[0].VendorGuid  = gEfiMpServiceProtocolGuid;
-      HandoffTables.TableEntry[0].VendorTable = ProcessorLocBuf;
-      Status = TdxDxeHashLogExtendEvent (
-                 0,
-                 (UINT8 *)(UINTN)ProcessorLocBuf,
-                 sizeof (EFI_CPU_PHYSICAL_LOCATION) * ProcessorNum,
-                 &CcEvent,
-                 (UINT8 *)&HandoffTables
-                 );
-      FreePool (ProcessorLocBuf);
-    }
-  }
-  return Status;
-  Measure and log Separator event, and extend the measurement result into a 
specific PCR.
-  @param[in] PCRIndex         PCR index.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS         Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR    The operation was unsuccessful.
-MeasureSeparatorEvent (
-  IN      UINT32  MrIndex
-  )
-  CC_EVENT_HDR  CcEvent;
-  UINT32        EventData;
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "MeasureSeparatorEvent to Rtmr - %d\n", MrIndex));
-  EventData         = 0;
-  CcEvent.MrIndex   = MrIndex;
-  CcEvent.EventType = EV_SEPARATOR;
-  CcEvent.EventSize = (UINT32)sizeof (EventData);
-  return TdxDxeHashLogExtendEvent (
-           0,
-           (UINT8 *)&EventData,
-           sizeof (EventData),
-           &CcEvent,
-           (UINT8 *)&EventData
-           );
-  Measure and log an EFI variable, and extend the measurement result into a 
specific RTMR.
-  @param[in]  MrIndex         RTMR Index.
-  @param[in]  EventType         Event type.
-  @param[in]  VarName           A Null-terminated string that is the name of 
the vendor's variable.
-  @param[in]  VendorGuid        A unique identifier for the vendor.
-  @param[in]  VarData           The content of the variable data.
-  @param[in]  VarSize           The size of the variable data.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Out of memory.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The operation was unsuccessful.
-MeasureVariable (
-  IN      UINT32         MrIndex,
-  IN      TCG_EVENTTYPE  EventType,
-  IN      CHAR16         *VarName,
-  IN      EFI_GUID       *VendorGuid,
-  IN      VOID           *VarData,
-  IN      UINTN          VarSize
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS          Status;
-  CC_EVENT_HDR        CcEvent;
-  UINTN               VarNameLength;
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "TdTcg2Dxe: MeasureVariable (Rtmr - %x, EventType - %x, 
", (UINTN)MrIndex, (UINTN)EventType));
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "VariableName - %s, VendorGuid - %g)\n", VarName, 
-  VarNameLength     = StrLen (VarName);
-  CcEvent.MrIndex   = MrIndex;
-  CcEvent.EventType = EventType;
-  CcEvent.EventSize = (UINT32)(sizeof (*VarLog) + VarNameLength * sizeof 
(*VarName) + VarSize
-                               - sizeof (VarLog->UnicodeName) - sizeof 
-  VarLog = (UEFI_VARIABLE_DATA *)AllocatePool (CcEvent.EventSize);
-  if (VarLog == NULL) {
-  }
-  VarLog->VariableName       = *VendorGuid;
-  VarLog->UnicodeNameLength  = VarNameLength;
-  VarLog->VariableDataLength = VarSize;
-  CopyMem (
-    VarLog->UnicodeName,
-    VarName,
-    VarNameLength * sizeof (*VarName)
-    );
-  if ((VarSize != 0) && (VarData != NULL)) {
-    CopyMem (
-      (CHAR16 *)VarLog->UnicodeName + VarNameLength,
-      VarData,
-      VarSize
-      );
-  }
-    //
-    // Digest is the event data (UEFI_VARIABLE_DATA)
-    //
-    Status = TdxDxeHashLogExtendEvent (
-               0,
-               (UINT8 *)VarLog,
-               CcEvent.EventSize,
-               &CcEvent,
-               (UINT8 *)VarLog
-               );
-  } else {
-    ASSERT (VarData != NULL);
-    Status = TdxDxeHashLogExtendEvent (
-               0,
-               (UINT8 *)VarData,
-               VarSize,
-               &CcEvent,
-               (UINT8 *)VarLog
-               );
-  }
-  FreePool (VarLog);
-  return Status;
-  Read then Measure and log an EFI variable, and extend the measurement result 
into a specific RTMR.
-  @param[in]  MrIndex           RTMR Index.
-  @param[in]  EventType         Event type.
-  @param[in]   VarName          A Null-terminated string that is the name of 
the vendor's variable.
-  @param[in]   VendorGuid       A unique identifier for the vendor.
-  @param[out]  VarSize          The size of the variable data.
-  @param[out]  VarData          Pointer to the content of the variable.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Out of memory.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The operation was unsuccessful.
-ReadAndMeasureVariable (
-  IN      UINT32         MrIndex,
-  IN      TCG_EVENTTYPE  EventType,
-  IN      CHAR16         *VarName,
-  IN      EFI_GUID       *VendorGuid,
-  OUT     UINTN          *VarSize,
-  OUT     VOID           **VarData
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS  Status;
-  Status = GetVariable2 (VarName, VendorGuid, VarData, VarSize);
-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      //
-      // It is valid case, so we need handle it.
-      //
-      *VarData = NULL;
-      *VarSize = 0;
-    }
-  } else {
-    //
-    // if status error, VarData is freed and set NULL by GetVariable2
-    //
-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
-    }
-  }
-  Status = MeasureVariable (
-             MrIndex,
-             EventType,
-             VarName,
-             VendorGuid,
-             *VarData,
-             *VarSize
-             );
-  return Status;
-  Read then Measure and log an EFI boot variable, and extend the measurement 
result into PCR[1].
-according to TCG PC Client PFP spec 0021 Section
-  @param[in]   VarName          A Null-terminated string that is the name of 
the vendor's variable.
-  @param[in]   VendorGuid       A unique identifier for the vendor.
-  @param[out]  VarSize          The size of the variable data.
-  @param[out]  VarData          Pointer to the content of the variable.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Out of memory.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The operation was unsuccessful.
-ReadAndMeasureBootVariable (
-  IN      CHAR16    *VarName,
-  IN      EFI_GUID  *VendorGuid,
-  OUT     UINTN     *VarSize,
-  OUT     VOID      **VarData
-  )
-  return ReadAndMeasureVariable (
-           MapPcrToMrIndex (1),
-           VarName,
-           VendorGuid,
-           VarSize,
-           VarData
-           );
-  Read then Measure and log an EFI Secure variable, and extend the measurement 
result into PCR[7].
-  @param[in]   VarName          A Null-terminated string that is the name of 
the vendor's variable.
-  @param[in]   VendorGuid       A unique identifier for the vendor.
-  @param[out]  VarSize          The size of the variable data.
-  @param[out]  VarData          Pointer to the content of the variable.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Out of memory.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The operation was unsuccessful.
-ReadAndMeasureSecureVariable (
-  IN      CHAR16    *VarName,
-  IN      EFI_GUID  *VendorGuid,
-  OUT     UINTN     *VarSize,
-  OUT     VOID      **VarData
-  )
-  return ReadAndMeasureVariable (
-           MapPcrToMrIndex (7),
-           VarName,
-           VendorGuid,
-           VarSize,
-           VarData
-           );
-  Measure and log all EFI boot variables, and extend the measurement result 
into a specific PCR.
-  The EFI boot variables are BootOrder and Boot#### variables.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Out of memory.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The operation was unsuccessful.
-MeasureAllBootVariables (
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS  Status;
-  UINT16      *BootOrder;
-  UINTN       BootCount;
-  UINTN       Index;
-  VOID        *BootVarData;
-  UINTN       Size;
-  Status = ReadAndMeasureBootVariable (
-             mBootVarName,
-             &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
-             &BootCount,
-             (VOID **)&BootOrder
-             );
-  if ((Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) || (BootOrder == NULL)) {
-    return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  }
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    //
-    // BootOrder can't be NULL if status is not EFI_NOT_FOUND
-    //
-    FreePool (BootOrder);
-    return Status;
-  }
-  BootCount /= sizeof (*BootOrder);
-  for (Index = 0; Index < BootCount; Index++) {
-    UnicodeSPrint (mBootVarName, sizeof (mBootVarName), L"Boot%04x", 
-    Status = ReadAndMeasureBootVariable (
-               mBootVarName,
-               &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
-               &Size,
-               &BootVarData
-               );
-    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      FreePool (BootVarData);
-    }
-  }
-  FreePool (BootOrder);
-  return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  Measure and log all EFI Secure variables, and extend the measurement result 
into a specific PCR.
-  The EFI boot variables are BootOrder and Boot#### variables.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Out of memory.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The operation was unsuccessful.
-MeasureAllSecureVariables (
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS  Status;
-  VOID        *Data;
-  UINTN       DataSize;
-  UINTN       Index;
-  Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
-  for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof (mVariableType)/sizeof (mVariableType[0]); 
Index++) {
-    Status = ReadAndMeasureSecureVariable (
-               mVariableType[Index].VariableName,
-               mVariableType[Index].VendorGuid,
-               &DataSize,
-               &Data
-               );
-    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      if (Data != NULL) {
-        FreePool (Data);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  //
-  // Measure DBT if present and not empty
-  //
-  Status = GetVariable2 (EFI_IMAGE_SECURITY_DATABASE2, 
&gEfiImageSecurityDatabaseGuid, &Data, &DataSize);
-  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    Status = MeasureVariable (
-               MapPcrToMrIndex (7),
-               &gEfiImageSecurityDatabaseGuid,
-               Data,
-               DataSize
-               );
-    FreePool (Data);
-  } else {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Skip measuring variable %s since it's deleted\n", 
-  }
-  return EFI_SUCCESS;
-  Measure and log launch of FirmwareDebugger, and extend the measurement 
result into a specific PCR.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Operation completed successfully.
-  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Out of memory.
-  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The operation was unsuccessful.
-MeasureLaunchOfFirmwareDebugger (
-  )
-  CC_EVENT_HDR  CcEvent;
-  CcEvent.MrIndex   = MapPcrToMrIndex (7);
-  CcEvent.EventType = EV_EFI_ACTION;
-  CcEvent.EventSize = sizeof (FIRMWARE_DEBUGGER_EVENT_STRING) - 1;
-  return TdxDxeHashLogExtendEvent (
-           0,
-           sizeof (FIRMWARE_DEBUGGER_EVENT_STRING) - 1,
-           &CcEvent,
-           );
-  Measure and log all Secure Boot Policy, and extend the measurement result 
into a specific PCR.
-  Platform firmware adhering to the policy must therefore measure the 
following values into PCR[7]: (in order listed)
-   - The contents of the SecureBoot variable
-   - The contents of the PK variable
-   - The contents of the KEK variable
-   - The contents of the EFI_IMAGE_SECURITY_DATABASE variable
-   - The contents of the EFI_IMAGE_SECURITY_DATABASE1 variable
-   - Separator
-   - Entries in the EFI_IMAGE_SECURITY_DATABASE that are used to validate EFI 
Drivers or EFI Boot Applications in the boot path
-  NOTE: Because of the above, UEFI variables PK, KEK, 
-  EFI_IMAGE_SECURITY_DATABASE1 and SecureBoot SHALL NOT be measured into 
-  @param[in]  Event     Event whose notification function is being invoked
-  @param[in]  Context   Pointer to the notification function's context
-MeasureSecureBootPolicy (
-  IN EFI_EVENT  Event,
-  IN VOID       *Context
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS  Status;
-  VOID        *Protocol;
-  Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiVariableWriteArchProtocolGuid, NULL, 
(VOID **)&Protocol);
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (PcdGetBool (PcdFirmwareDebuggerInitialized)) {
-    Status = MeasureLaunchOfFirmwareDebugger ();
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "MeasureLaunchOfFirmwareDebugger - %r\n", Status));
-  }
-  Status = MeasureAllSecureVariables ();
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "MeasureAllSecureVariables - %r\n", Status));
-  //
-  // We need measure Separator(7) here, because this event must be between 
SecureBootPolicy (Configure)
-  // and ImageVerification (Authority)
-  // There might be a case that we need measure UEFI image from DriverOrder, 
besides BootOrder. So
-  // the Authority measurement happen before ReadToBoot event.
-  //
-  Status = MeasureSeparatorEvent (MapPcrToMrIndex (7));
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "MeasureSeparatorEvent - %r\n", Status));
-  return;
-  Ready to Boot Event notification handler.
-  Sequence of OS boot events is measured in this event notification handler.
-  @param[in]  Event     Event whose notification function is being invoked
-  @param[in]  Context   Pointer to the notification function's context
-OnReadyToBoot (
-  IN      EFI_EVENT  Event,
-  IN      VOID       *Context
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS  Status;
-  PERF_START_EX (mImageHandle, "EventRec", "TdTcg2Dxe", 0, 
-  if (mBootAttempts == 0) {
-    //
-    // Measure handoff tables.
-    //
-    Status = MeasureHandoffTables ();
-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "HOBs not Measured. Error!\n"));
-    }
-    //
-    // Measure BootOrder & Boot#### variables.
-    //
-    Status = MeasureAllBootVariables ();
-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Boot Variables not Measured. Error!\n"));
-    }
-    //
-    // 1. This is the first boot attempt.
-    //
-    Status = TdMeasureAction (
-               MapPcrToMrIndex (4),
-               );
-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a not Measured. Error!\n", 
-    }
-    //
-    // 2. Draw a line between pre-boot env and entering post-boot env.
-    // PCR[7] (is RTMR[0]) is already done.
-    //
-    Status = MeasureSeparatorEvent (1);
-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Separator Event not Measured. Error!\n"));
-    }
-    //
-    // 3. Measure GPT. It would be done in SAP driver.
-    //
-    //
-    // 4. Measure PE/COFF OS loader. It would be done in SAP driver.
-    //
-    //
-    // 5. Read & Measure variable. BootOrder already measured.
-    //
-  } else {
-    //
-    // 6. Not first attempt, meaning a return from last attempt
-    //
-    Status = TdMeasureAction (
-               MapPcrToMrIndex (4),
-               );
-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a not Measured. Error!\n", 
-    }
-    //
-    // 7. Next boot attempt, measure "Calling EFI Application from Boot 
Option" again
-    // TCG PC Client PFP spec Section Step 4
-    //
-    Status = TdMeasureAction (
-               MapPcrToMrIndex (4),
-               );
-    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a not Measured. Error!\n", 
-    }
-  }
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "TdTcg2Dxe Measure Data when ReadyToBoot\n"));
-  //
-  // Increase boot attempt counter.
-  //
-  mBootAttempts++;
-  PERF_END_EX (mImageHandle, "EventRec", "Tcg2Dxe", 0, PERF_ID_CC_TCG2_DXE + 
-  Exit Boot Services Event notification handler.
-  Measure invocation and success of ExitBootServices.
-  @param[in]  Event     Event whose notification function is being invoked
-  @param[in]  Context   Pointer to the notification function's context
-OnExitBootServices (
-  IN      EFI_EVENT  Event,
-  IN      VOID       *Context
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS  Status;
-  //
-  // Measure invocation of ExitBootServices,
-  //
-  Status = TdMeasureAction (
-             MapPcrToMrIndex (5),
-             );
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a not Measured. Error!\n", 
-  }
-  //
-  // Measure success of ExitBootServices
-  //
-  Status = TdMeasureAction (
-             MapPcrToMrIndex (5),
-             );
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a not Measured. Error!\n", 
-  }
-  Exit Boot Services Failed Event notification handler.
-  Measure Failure of ExitBootServices.
-  @param[in]  Event     Event whose notification function is being invoked
-  @param[in]  Context   Pointer to the notification function's context
-OnExitBootServicesFailed (
-  IN      EFI_EVENT  Event,
-  IN      VOID       *Context
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS  Status;
-  //
-  // Measure Failure of ExitBootServices,
-  //
-  Status = TdMeasureAction (
-             MapPcrToMrIndex (5),
-             );
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a not Measured. Error!\n", 
-  }
-SyncCcEvent (
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS               Status;
-  VOID                     *CcEvent;
-  VOID                     *DigestListBin;
-  UINT32                   DigestListBinSize;
-  UINT8                    *Event;
-  UINT32                   EventSize;
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Sync Cc event from SEC\n"));
-  Status       = EFI_SUCCESS;
-  LogFormat    = EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT_TCG_2;
-  GuidHob.Guid = GetFirstGuidHob (&gCcEventEntryHobGuid);
-  while (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && GuidHob.Guid != NULL) {
-    CcEvent = AllocateCopyPool (GET_GUID_HOB_DATA_SIZE (GuidHob.Guid), 
GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob.Guid));
-    if (CcEvent == NULL) {
-      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
-    }
-    GuidHob.Guid = GET_NEXT_HOB (GuidHob);
-    GuidHob.Guid = GetNextGuidHob (&gCcEventEntryHobGuid, GuidHob.Guid);
-    DigestListBin     = (UINT8 *)CcEvent + sizeof (UINT32) + sizeof 
-    DigestListBinSize = GetDigestListBinSize (DigestListBin);
-    //
-    // Event size.
-    //
-    EventSize = *(UINT32 *)((UINT8 *)DigestListBin + DigestListBinSize);
-    Event     = (UINT8 *)DigestListBin + DigestListBinSize + sizeof (UINT32);
-    //
-    // Log the event
-    //
-    Status = TdxDxeLogEvent (
-               LogFormat,
-               CcEvent,
-               sizeof (UINT32) + sizeof (TCG_EVENTTYPE) + DigestListBinSize + 
sizeof (UINT32),
-               Event,
-               EventSize
-               );
-    DumpCcEvent ((CC_EVENT *)CcEvent);
-    FreePool (CcEvent);
-  }
-  return Status;
-  Install TDVF ACPI Table when ACPI Table Protocol is available.
-  @param[in]  Event     Event whose notification function is being invoked
-  @param[in]  Context   Pointer to the notification function's context
-InstallAcpiTable (
-  IN EFI_EVENT  Event,
-  IN VOID       *Context
-  )
-  UINTN                    TableKey;
-  EFI_STATUS               Status;
-  UINT64                   OemTableId;
-  Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiAcpiTableProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID 
-  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "TD: AcpiTableProtocol is not installed. %r\n", 
-    return;
-  }
-  mTdxEventlogAcpiTemplate.Laml = (UINT64)PcdGet32 
-  mTdxEventlogAcpiTemplate.Lasa = PcdGet64 (PcdCcEventlogAcpiTableLasa);
-  CopyMem (mTdxEventlogAcpiTemplate.Header.OemId, PcdGetPtr 
(PcdAcpiDefaultOemId), sizeof (mTdxEventlogAcpiTemplate.Header.OemId));
-  OemTableId = PcdGet64 (PcdAcpiDefaultOemTableId);
-  CopyMem (&mTdxEventlogAcpiTemplate.Header.OemTableId, &OemTableId, sizeof 
-  mTdxEventlogAcpiTemplate.Header.OemRevision     = PcdGet32 
-  mTdxEventlogAcpiTemplate.Header.CreatorId       = PcdGet32 
-  mTdxEventlogAcpiTemplate.Header.CreatorRevision = PcdGet32 
-  //
-  // Construct ACPI Table
-  Status = AcpiTable->InstallAcpiTable (
-                        AcpiTable,
-                        &mTdxEventlogAcpiTemplate,
-                        mTdxEventlogAcpiTemplate.Header.Length,
-                        &TableKey
-                        );
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "TDVF Eventlog ACPI Table is installed.\n"));
-  The function install TdTcg2 protocol.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS     TdTcg2 protocol is installed.
-  @retval other           Some error occurs.
-InstallCcMeasurementProtocol (
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS  Status;
-  EFI_HANDLE  Handle;
-  Handle = NULL;
-  Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
-                  &Handle,
-                  &gEfiCcMeasurementProtocolGuid,
-                  &mTdProtocol,
-                  NULL
-                  );
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "CcProtocol: Install %r\n", Status));
-  return Status;
-  The driver's entry point. It publishes EFI Tcg2 Protocol.
-  @param[in] ImageHandle  The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
-  @param[in] SystemTable  A pointer to the EFI System Table.
-  @retval EFI_SUCCESS     The entry point is executed successfully.
-  @retval other           Some error occurs when executing this entry point.
-DriverEntry (
-  IN    EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
-  IN    EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable
-  )
-  EFI_STATUS  Status;
-  EFI_EVENT   Event;
-  VOID        *Registration;
-  if (!TdIsEnabled ()) {
-    return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
-  }
-  mImageHandle = ImageHandle;
-  //
-  // Fill information
-  //
-  mTdxDxeData.BsCap.Size                   = sizeof 
-  mTdxDxeData.BsCap.ProtocolVersion.Major  = 1;
-  mTdxDxeData.BsCap.ProtocolVersion.Minor  = 0;
-  mTdxDxeData.BsCap.StructureVersion.Major = 1;
-  mTdxDxeData.BsCap.StructureVersion.Minor = 0;
-  //
-  // Get supported PCR and current Active PCRs
-  // For TD gueset HA384 is supported.
-  //
-  mTdxDxeData.BsCap.HashAlgorithmBitmap = HASH_ALG_SHA384;
-  // TD guest only supports EFI_TCG2_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT_TCG_2
-  mTdxDxeData.BsCap.SupportedEventLogs = EFI_CC_EVENT_LOG_FORMAT_TCG_2;
-  //
-  // Setup the log area and copy event log from hob list to it
-  //
-  Status = SetupCcEventLog ();
-  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-    Status = SyncCcEvent ();
-    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
-  }
-  //
-  // Measure handoff tables, Boot#### variables etc.
-  //
-  Status = EfiCreateEventReadyToBootEx (
-             TPL_CALLBACK,
-             OnReadyToBoot,
-             NULL,
-             &Event
-             );
-  Status = gBS->CreateEventEx (
-                  EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL,
-                  TPL_NOTIFY,
-                  OnExitBootServices,
-                  NULL,
-                  &gEfiEventExitBootServicesGuid,
-                  &Event
-                  );
-  //
-  // Measure Exit Boot Service failed
-  //
-  Status = gBS->CreateEventEx (
-                  EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL,
-                  TPL_NOTIFY,
-                  OnExitBootServicesFailed,
-                  NULL,
-                  &gEventExitBootServicesFailedGuid,
-                  &Event
-                  );
-  //
-  // Create event callback, because we need access variable on 
-  // We should use VariableWriteArch instead of VariableArch, because Variable 
-  // may update SecureBoot value based on last setting.
-  //
-  EfiCreateProtocolNotifyEvent (&gEfiVariableWriteArchProtocolGuid, 
TPL_CALLBACK, MeasureSecureBootPolicy, NULL, &Registration);
-  //
-  // Install CcMeasurementProtocol
-  //
-  Status = InstallCcMeasurementProtocol ();
-  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "InstallCcMeasurementProtocol - %r\n", Status));
-  if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
-    //
-    // Create event callback to install CC EventLog ACPI Table
-    EfiCreateProtocolNotifyEvent (&gEfiAcpiTableProtocolGuid, TPL_CALLBACK, 
InstallAcpiTable, NULL, &Registration);
-  } else {
-    //
-    // Cc measurement feature is crucial to a td-guest and it shall stop 
running immediately
-    // when it is failed to be installed.
-    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: CcMeasurement protocol failed to be installed - 
%r\n", __func__, Status));
-    CpuDeadLoop ();
-  }
-  return Status;
diff --git a/SecurityPkg/Tcg/TdTcg2Dxe/TdTcg2Dxe.inf 
deleted file mode 100644
index 6861a1452d51..000000000000
--- a/SecurityPkg/Tcg/TdTcg2Dxe/TdTcg2Dxe.inf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-## @file
-#  Produces EFI_CC_MEASUREMENT_PROTOCOL and measure boot environment
-# Copyright (c) 2020 - 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
-  INF_VERSION                    = 0x00010005
-  BASE_NAME                      = TdTcg2Dxe
-  FILE_GUID                      = F062221E-C607-44C2-B0B4-C3886331D351
-  MODULE_TYPE                    = DXE_DRIVER
-  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0
-  ENTRY_POINT                    = DriverEntry
-# The following information is for reference only and not required by the 
build tools.
-#  VALID_ARCHITECTURES           = X64
-  TdTcg2Dxe.c
-  MeasureBootPeCoff.c
-  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
-  MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
-  SecurityPkg/SecurityPkg.dec
-  CryptoPkg/CryptoPkg.dec
-  MemoryAllocationLib
-  BaseLib
-  UefiBootServicesTableLib
-  HobLib
-  UefiDriverEntryPoint
-  UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib
-  BaseMemoryLib
-  DebugLib
-  PrintLib
-  UefiLib
-  HashLib
-  PerformanceLib
-  ReportStatusCodeLib
-  PeCoffLib
-  TpmMeasurementLib
-  TdxLib
-  ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES     ## Variable:L"SecureBoot"
-  ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES     ## Variable:L"PK"
-  ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES     ## Variable:L"KEK"
-  ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES     ## Variable:L"BootXXXX"
-  gEfiGlobalVariableGuid
-  ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES      ## Variable:L"db"
-  ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES      ## Variable:L"dbx"
-  gEfiImageSecurityDatabaseGuid
-  # gTcgEventEntryHobGuid                              ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES  
## HOB
-  gEfiEventExitBootServicesGuid                      ## CONSUMES            ## 
-  gEventExitBootServicesFailedGuid                   ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES  ## 
-  gCcEventEntryHobGuid                               ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES  ## 
-  gTcg800155PlatformIdEventHobGuid                   ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES  ## 
-  gEfiCcFinalEventsTableGuid                         ## PRODUCES
-  gEfiCcMeasurementProtocolGuid                      ## PRODUCES
-  gEfiMpServiceProtocolGuid                          ## SOMETIMES_CONSUMES
-  gEfiVariableWriteArchProtocolGuid                  ## NOTIFY
-  gEfiResetNotificationProtocolGuid                  ## CONSUMES
-  gEfiAcpiTableProtocolGuid                          ## NOTIFY
-  gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTpmPlatformClass                         ## 
-  gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdFirmwareDebuggerInitialized              ## 
-  gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdStatusCodeSubClassTpmDevice              ## 
-  gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTcg2HashAlgorithmBitmap                  ## 
-  gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTcg2NumberOfPCRBanks                     ## 
-  gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTcgLogAreaMinLen                         ## 
-  gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdTcg2FinalLogAreaLen                      ## 
-  gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCcEventlogAcpiTableLaml                  ## 
-  gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCcEventlogAcpiTableLasa                  ## 
-  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdAcpiDefaultOemId                        ## 
-  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdAcpiDefaultOemTableId                   ## 
-  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdAcpiDefaultOemRevision                  ## 
-  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorId                    ## 
-  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdAcpiDefaultCreatorRevision              ## 
-  # According to PcdTpm2AcpiTableRev definition in SecurityPkg.dec
-  # This PCD should be configured at DynamicHii or DynamicHiiEx.
-  # So, this PCD read operation depends on GetVariable service.
-  # Add VariableArch protocol dependency to make sure PCD read works.
-  gEfiVariableArchProtocolGuid AND gEfiAcpiTableProtocolGuid

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