For the HPET timer failure, not sure it has relation with 8259 since OvmfPkg 
uses 8259 timer by default.
For “Reserve Payload config in runtime services data”, yes, I will remove that 
WA once platform hook lib is updated late.
This patch logic looks good to me, only some minor coding style issue I added 
comments in PR.


From: Cheng-Chieh Huang <>
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2021 1:52 AM
To: Ni, Ray <>
Cc:; Schaefer, Daniel <>; Trammell 
Hudson <>; Ma, Maurice <>; Dong, Guo 
<>; You, Benjamin <>
Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v2 0/4] UefiPayloadPkg: LinuxBoot Support in 

Hi Ray,

1. UefiPayloadPkg: Add LINUXBOOT payload target
  a. Why is IO/MEM align in AdjustRootBridgeResource() skipped for Linux 
-> This alignment is too conservative and causes the system to run out of IO 
resources. AFAIK, we do not need this in UEFI OS and our use case involves 
larger systems (let's say server) .
  b. can you please run ECC to make sure the C source code complains to EDKII 
coding standard?
-> sure will do.

2. UefiPayloadPkg: Use legacy timer in Linuxboot payload
  a. Can you kindly explain the reason of HPET timer failure? Is this patch a 
temporary workaround?
 ->  This is taken from OvmfPkg's Xen package. Current Hpet driver does not 
work well after we hand over control to OS. Yes we can consider this as a 
workaround. This should not affect functionality because we will go back to the 
regular TSC/HPET timer in linux after booting to the next OS.

4. UefiPayloadPkg: Reserve Payload config in runtime services data
  a. Why?
-> Currently, due to some design issue, this Hook will also be called in BDS. 
Dong said he will work on a fix for this and he suggested that I gate it 
LINUXBOOT_PAYLOAD and he will clean it up in his fix.
 For more details, please see earlier mail thread titled [PATCH v1 4/6] 
UefiPayloadPkg: Reserve Payload config in runtime services data

> By the way, can you please add me to the CC list since I am the maintainer of 
> UefiPayloadPkg (newly become so you might not notice that😊) next time you 
> send updates?

On Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 12:49 PM Ni, Ray 
<<>> wrote:
I will leave all comments to the patches here since I have difficulty to find 
individual patches without these patches sending to me directly.

In general, the commit messages are too short to explain the background/reason 
of the code change. Can you please put more explanation in the commit message?

1. UefiPayloadPkg: Add LINUXBOOT payload target
  a. Why is IO/MEM align in AdjustRootBridgeResource() skipped for Linux 
  b. can you please run ECC to make sure the C source code complains to EDKII 
coding standard?

2. UefiPayloadPkg: Use legacy timer in Linuxboot payload
  a. Can you kindly explain the reason of HPET timer failure? Is this patch a 
temporary workaround?

3. UefiPayloadPkg: Update maximum logic processor to 256
  a. It still has the limitation of 256 threads. I am ok with your code change.

4. UefiPayloadPkg: Reserve Payload config in runtime services data
  a. Why?

By the way, can you please add me to the CC list since I am the maintainer of 
UefiPayloadPkg (newly become so you might not notice that😊) next time you send 


-----Original Message-----
<<>> On Behalf Of Cheng-Chieh 
Huang via<>
Sent: Saturday, August 7, 2021 10:51 PM
Cc: Cheng-Chieh Huang <<>>; 
Schaefer, Daniel <<>>; 
Trammell Hudson <<>>; Ma, Maurice 
<<>>; Dong, Guo 
<<>>; You, Benjamin 
Subject: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v2 0/4] UefiPayloadPkg: LinuxBoot Support in 

These are necessary patches to Support LinuxBoot in UefiPayload.
With these paches, we can boot to ESXi and Windows from a linux in QEMU.

This is second parse. In addition to fixing reviwer's suggestions, I removed 
the following CLs.
* Add DISABLE_MMX_SSE to avoid generating floating points operation
-> will send a seperate patch to add these flags to BaseTools

* LinuxBoot: use a text format for the configuration block.
-> will work with Trammell Hudson to cover this patch to EDK2 style.

LinuxBoot README:

v2 PR to tianocore:

Cheng-Chieh Huang (4):
  UefiPayloadPkg: Add LINUXBOOT payload target
  UefiPayloadPkg: Use legacy timer in Linuxboot payload
  UefiPayloadPkg: Update maximum logic processor to 256
  UefiPayloadPkg: Reserve Payload config in runtime services data

 UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc                              |  24 ++-
 UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.fdf                              |   5 +
 UefiPayloadPkg/Library/LbParseLib/LbParseLib.inf               |  39 +++++
 UefiPayloadPkg/Library/LbParseLib/Linuxboot.h                  |  47 +++++
 UefiPayloadPkg/Library/LbParseLib/LbParseLib.c                 | 182 
 UefiPayloadPkg/Library/PciHostBridgeLib/PciHostBridgeSupport.c |   6 +-
 UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry/UefiPayloadEntry.c             |   4 +
 7 files changed, 299 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)  create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 UefiPayloadPkg/Library/LbParseLib/Linuxboot.h
 create mode 100644 UefiPayloadPkg/Library/LbParseLib/LbParseLib.c

Cc: Cheng-Chieh Huang <<>>
Cc: Daniel Schaefer <<>>
Cc: Trammell Hudson <<>>
Cc: Maurice Ma <<>>
Cc: Guo Dong <<>>
Cc: Benjamin You <<>>


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