I will leave all comments to the patches here since I have difficulty to find 
individual patches without these patches sending to me directly.

In general, the commit messages are too short to explain the background/reason 
of the code change. Can you please put more explanation in the commit message?

1. UefiPayloadPkg: Add LINUXBOOT payload target
  a. Why is IO/MEM align in AdjustRootBridgeResource() skipped for Linux 
  b. can you please run ECC to make sure the C source code complains to EDKII 
coding standard?

2. UefiPayloadPkg: Use legacy timer in Linuxboot payload
  a. Can you kindly explain the reason of HPET timer failure? Is this patch a 
temporary workaround?

3. UefiPayloadPkg: Update maximum logic processor to 256
  a. It still has the limitation of 256 threads. I am ok with your code change.

4. UefiPayloadPkg: Reserve Payload config in runtime services data
  a. Why?

By the way, can you please add me to the CC list since I am the maintainer of 
UefiPayloadPkg (newly become so you might not notice that😊) next time you send 


-----Original Message-----
From: devel@edk2.groups.io <devel@edk2.groups.io> On Behalf Of Cheng-Chieh 
Huang via groups.io
Sent: Saturday, August 7, 2021 10:51 PM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io
Cc: Cheng-Chieh Huang <chengch...@google.com>; Schaefer, Daniel 
<daniel.schae...@hpe.com>; Trammell Hudson <hud...@trmm.net>; Ma, Maurice 
<maurice...@intel.com>; Dong, Guo <guo.d...@intel.com>; You, Benjamin 
Subject: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v2 0/4] UefiPayloadPkg: LinuxBoot Support in 

These are necessary patches to Support LinuxBoot in UefiPayload.
With these paches, we can boot to ESXi and Windows from a linux in QEMU.

This is second parse. In addition to fixing reviwer's suggestions, I removed 
the following CLs.
* Add DISABLE_MMX_SSE to avoid generating floating points operation
-> will send a seperate patch to add these flags to BaseTools

* LinuxBoot: use a text format for the configuration block.
-> will work with Trammell Hudson to cover this patch to EDK2 style.

LinuxBoot README:

v2 PR to tianocore:

Cheng-Chieh Huang (4):
  UefiPayloadPkg: Add LINUXBOOT payload target
  UefiPayloadPkg: Use legacy timer in Linuxboot payload
  UefiPayloadPkg: Update maximum logic processor to 256
  UefiPayloadPkg: Reserve Payload config in runtime services data

 UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc                              |  24 ++-
 UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.fdf                              |   5 +
 UefiPayloadPkg/Library/LbParseLib/LbParseLib.inf               |  39 +++++
 UefiPayloadPkg/Library/LbParseLib/Linuxboot.h                  |  47 +++++
 UefiPayloadPkg/Library/LbParseLib/LbParseLib.c                 | 182 
 UefiPayloadPkg/Library/PciHostBridgeLib/PciHostBridgeSupport.c |   6 +-
 UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry/UefiPayloadEntry.c             |   4 +
 7 files changed, 299 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)  create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 UefiPayloadPkg/Library/LbParseLib/Linuxboot.h
 create mode 100644 UefiPayloadPkg/Library/LbParseLib/LbParseLib.c

Cc: Cheng-Chieh Huang <chengch...@google.com>
Cc: Daniel Schaefer <daniel.schae...@hpe.com>
Cc: Trammell Hudson <hud...@trmm.net>
Cc: Maurice Ma <maurice...@intel.com>
Cc: Guo Dong <guo.d...@intel.com>
Cc: Benjamin You <benjamin....@intel.com>


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