See my feedback below.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: <> On Behalf Of Brijesh
> Singh via
> Sent: Tuesday, August 3, 2021 11:01 PM
> To: Yao, Jiewen <>;
> Cc:; James Bottomley <>; Xu, Min M
> <>; Tom Lendacky <>; Justen,
> Jordan L <>; Ard Biesheuvel
> <>; Laszlo Ersek <>; Erdem Aktas
> <>; Dong, Eric <>; Ni, Ray
> <>; Kumar, Rahul1 <>; Kinney, Michael
> D <>; Liming Gao <>; Liu,
> Zhiguang <>; Michael Roth <>
> Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] [RFC PATCH v4 00/27] Add AMD Secure Nested Paging
> (SEV-SNP) support
> On 7/28/21 9:22 PM, Yao, Jiewen wrote:
> > Hi Brijesh
> > Thanks for the patient.
> > Most of my comment focus on the *common* part, and *interface* between
> SEV and common code.
> > I will leave you to decide the detailed SEV specific implementation.
> >
> Thank you Jiewen for your feedback. I will try to address the comments
> in next version.
> >
> > Patch-04:
> > Can we use consistent naming conversion?
> > We have PcdOvmfSecGhcbPageTableBase, PcdOvmfSecGhcbBase,
> PcdSevLaunchSecretBase. Now we are adding PcdOvmfSnpSecretsBase.
> > Can we change PcdOvmfSnpSecretsBase to PcdSevSnpSecretsBase?
> > Or we change PcdSevLaunchSecretBase to PcdOvmfSevLaunchSecretBase?
> I don't know why we choose "Ovmf" from the LaunchSecretsBase PCD. I
> thought PCD's specific the Uefi typically contains the Ovmf name. Maybe
> we can fix the LaunchSecretsBase to match with the name. I will do that
> as a separate patch.
> >
> > Patch-05:
> > Ditto. Naming convention.
> >
> > Patch-06:
> > I have recommendation to Min, to separate SEV stuff to a standalone file 
> > from
> ResetVectorVtf0.asm.
> > Intel can add TDX stuff to a standalone file, and make it included by
> ResetVectorVtf0.asm.
> >
> > I am not sure if you want to do it, or you leave Min to do it.
> >
> For the SEV stuff, I will do it myself so that I can test it as well :)
> > Patch-07:
> > Same naming convention issue. See #04 and #05.
> >
> > Patch-08:
> > I hope we can move all below code to AmdSev.asm, such as
> PostPageTableHookSev().
> > Then the PageTable64.asm can be SEV/TDX agnostic.
> >
> > I am not sure if you want to do it, or you leave Min to do it.
> >
> > ==============
> >      ;
> >      ; Clear the encryption bit from the GHCB entry
> >      ;
> >      mov     ecx, (GHCB_BASE & 0x1F_FFFF) >> 12
> >      mov     [ecx * 8 + GHCB_PT_ADDR + 4], strict dword 0
> >
> >      mov     ecx, GHCB_SIZE / 4
> >      xor     eax, eax
> > clearGhcbMemoryLoop:
> >      mov     dword[ecx * 4 + GHCB_BASE - 4], eax
> >      loop    clearGhcbMemoryLoop
> >
> >      ;
> >      ; The page table built above cleared the memory encryption mask from 
> > the
> >      ; GHCB_BASE (aka made it shared). When SEV-SNP is enabled, to maintain
> >      ; the security guarantees, the page state transition from private to
> >      ; shared must go through the page invalidation steps. Invalidate the
> >      ; memory range before loading the page table below.
> >      ;
> >      ; NOTE: the invalidation must happen after zeroing the GHCB memory. 
> > This
> >      ;       is because, in the 32-bit mode all the access are considered 
> > private.
> >      ;       The invalidation before the zero'ing will cause a #VC.
> >      ;
> >      OneTimeCall  InvalidateGHCBPage
> > ==============
> >
> I will try to see if I can move that out as well.
> > Patch-10:
> > I am not UEFI CPU package maintainer. But I do have a little concern to add
> more PcdXxxIsEnable style PCD, especially when they are mutual exclusive (like
> TDX v.s SEV).
> > If we follow this pattern, we will have PcdSevEsIsEnabled, 
> > PcdSevSnpIsEnabled,
> PcdSevFutureIsEnabled, PcdTdxIsEnabled, PcdTdxFutureIsEnabled, ... that will 
> be
> an endless list.
> >
> > If possible, I suggest define one PcdConfidentialComputingType - indicate
> Legacy, SEV, TDX.
> >
> There are certain things which are applicable to SEV-ES and not for the
> SEV-SNP and vice versa. I am not oppose to create a generic helper e.g
> enum {
>       AmdSev,
>       AmdSevEs,
>       AmdSevSnp,
>       IntelTdx,
>       IntelSgx,
>       ..
>       ..
> };
> bool EncryptedGuestFeatureEnabled(enum type);
> But I think some of this can be done later as well.
> > Patch-12:
> > Can we move all SEV stuff to a standalone file, such as AmdSev.c?
> >
> > I am not sure if you want to do it, or you leave Min to do it.
> >
> Yes, I can do it.
> > Patch-18:
> > If we have a standalone AmdSev.c (#12), then we can move the function to
> that file, and only leave a hook call to SEV.
> >
> I will try to consolidate it in AmdSev.c
> > Patch-23:
> > This is UEFI CPU package update. I am thinking if we can follow same patter 
> > to
> move all SEV stuff to a standalone file, such as AmdSev.c, AmdSev.asm.
> > In the future, we may add TDX stuff as well.
> >
> > Patch-26:
> > Same comment as #23.
> >
> > Patch-27:
> > Can we move that function to a standalone AmdSev.c ?
> >
> > Patch-28:
> > Would you please describe more on what is ConfidentialComputingBlob ?
> While launching the SEV-SNP guests, the hypervisor may need to provide
> some additional information during the guest boot. When booting under
> the EFI based BIOS, the EFI configuration table contains an entry for
> the confidential computing blob that contains the required information.
> The Linux kernel will lookup for this EFI table during the boot to
> locate the secrets and cpuid page.
> > Is that generic concept? Or SEV specific thing?
> Its designed as a generic and the current only SEV-SNP provides it.
> > Who is consumer?
> Any guest kernel (window or Linux)
> > What is difference between ConfidentialComputingSecret and
> ConfidentialComputingBlob ? When to use which?
> >
> The confidentialComputingSecrets contains the secrets keys where the
> CCBlob contains the information which maybe used during the boot.
> You can see some more about it on my kernel patches:
> > I can understand how TDX use ConfidentialComputingSecret, but how do you
> expect TDX use ConfidentialComputingBlob (if it is a generic concept) ?
> I think in the case of TDX , the information needed during the boot is
> provided through the ACPI tables but in SEV-SNP those are provided
> throught the CCBlob. In the contianer environement there will be no EFI
> so in that case the Blob will be passed to the boot loader setup data.
> If required then TDX can use it to pass the boot information.

[Jiewen] Got it. I treat it as a generic way to pass information from Guest FW 
to guest OS.
If so, I have concern on having a generic name - CC_BLOB, but only includes SEV 
specific data structure there.

I offer two possible alternatives, and I open on other options.
A) define it as SEV_BLOB. Don’t use generic name. As such, the consume knows 
this blob is for SEV.
B) define it TYPE-LENGTH-VALUE list in CC_BLOB. As such, the consume can pass 
the TYPE to know this blob is for SEV.

If possible, I prefer to split this big patch series to smaller one, especially 
the CC_BLOB.
I think we may have more discussion on how to support that.
But I don’t want to block your other work such as creating standalone SEV file 
and add SEV-SNP stuff there.

> thanks

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