On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Alexander Huemer
<alexander.hue...@xx.vu> wrote:

>> Direct observation. Go to any conference (I've only been to
>> conferences in the US, so YMMV), or Meetup, and witness the number of
>> glowing Apples staring back at you.
>> Ask any of my friends / coworkers who were GNU/Linux users who now use
>> an Mac and carry an iPhone in their pocket. Ask any "startup" who
>> deploys to the "cloud" or to racked GNU/Linux machines what their
>> developers develop their software on. It's likely named after a fruit.
> Unrelated.
> I couldn't care less what these people do, they are morons.

You are obviously not a moron, and that's all that matters.

>> My last job advertised in the job description: "Whatever setup you
>> want! We default to a Mac laptop and a giant monitor." I asked for a
>> Thinkpad, cause I knew the recruiter had one, and was provisioned a
>> Mac. They're solution to my desire to run a Linux distro? Use
>> virtualization -- That's a shitty option if I want to use X + dwm
>> though.
> Unrelated.

OK... Not sure that it's unrelated, but moving on...

>> Most of the people I know on Apple machines still use the command
>> line... And, they install stuff with Homebrew (http://brew.sh), and
>> they use iTerm2 (http://iterm2.com)...
> The people one individual knows personally is quite a small sample. I am
> talking about a broader view.

It's true. It is a small sample. If you can point to a large sample
that refutes my observations, I'm all ears.

>> > When they look at my desktop they say things like
>> >
>> >         Oh, it's broken. Do you think you can fix it? You are a nerd,
>> >         right?
>> Eh. I'm guessing even some developers would say the same thing.
> they should be fired instantly.
>> They'd understand that you have terminal emulators open, but would be
>> confused as to why there are no decorations around windows, or no task
>> bar, or system tray, or any of the other things that modern, "usable"
>> desktop UIs tell us we should have.
> Again, they should be fired instantly.

And you should be hired! Obviously, knowledge of window management on
X, and alternatives are a requirement for basically every single job
out there! Even building web apps for a *web browser*!

With love,


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