On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 3:53 AM, Nick <suckless-...@njw.me.uk> wrote:
> Quoth Andrew Gwozdziewycz:
>> On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 3:57 AM, Alexander Huemer
>> > Or do you have some concrete example I do not grasp at the moment?
>> > At least the people I know who are using OSX do not even know what a
>> > terminal emulator is, let alone that there is one on their machines.
>> Out of curiosity, where do you live? In NYC, you'll see coffeeshops
>> filled with people on a Mac that have no idea what a terminal emulator
>> is, but any of the developers in that same coffeeshop, will still be
>> on a Mac.
> I'd guess it is somewhat of a US thing. I recently got back to
> Europe after living there, and the penetration of Apple laptops is
> way higher in the USA than it is here. Here it mostly seems to be
> trendy kids and "design" people, whereas in the USA it seemed to be
> 90%+ of everybody, if you took cafes to be representative (which of
> course they aren't). You can do development on a Mac, it just must
> be very annoying (not to even mention freedom issues). Boggles my
> mind that people would put up with it, but apparently lots do.

I'm glad it's not as widespread everywhere! Yeah, Apple has always
catered very well to the design community, and obviously the trendy
folk, because aesthetic is part of what they're selling.

I think it's easier to do some types of development on a Mac than you
might otherwise think. If you write web apps (which sooo many people
do these days), or obviously Mac desktop apps, or mobile apps (Android
or iOS) the tooling is very good (at least as witnessed by fan folk of
things like oh-my-zsh [http://ohmyz.sh/]).

Even the Maker community can expect to be able to do most things on a
Mac these days. The Arduino software, and a bunch of other
microcontroller dev kits work fine.

And... if you really wanted to do Linux kernel development, you could
always use something like Vagrant [http://vagrantup.com], or whatever
other virtualization / emulation environment works for that sort of


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