On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 05:16:13PM -0500, Bobby Powers wrote:
> Hello!
> This is a followup to last months "music db editor" thread:
> http://lists.suckless.org/dev/1310/17781.html
> I've completed an initial implementation of a program which parses
> music file metadata (currently only ID3 tags for MP3 support,
> ATOM/AAC is next) and creates a filesystem-based farm/'DB' of
> symlinks.  A file at '~/Music/somesong.mp3' that had proper ID3 tags
> would result in the following two symlinks being created:
>     "${FARM_DIR}/artists/Some Artist/The Album/1_The Title.mp3" ->
> $HOME/Music/somesong.mp3
>     "${FARM_DIR}/albums/The Album/1_The Title.mp3" -> $HOME/Music/somesong.mp3
> Where FARM_DIR is defined in config.h.
> Comments on this approach & the code are very welcome:

I would detect file type by mime - not by file extension (function
is_music_file()). But that's not so important. I just remembered that we were
punished at the school when we did this :)

> https://github.com/bpowers/slm
> yours,
> Bobby

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