On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 10:16 PM, Bobby Powers <bobbypow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     "${FARM_DIR}/artists/Some Artist/The Album/1_The Title.mp3" ->
> $HOME/Music/somesong.mp3
>     "${FARM_DIR}/albums/The Album/1_The Title.mp3" -> $HOME/Music/somesong.mp3
> Where FARM_DIR is defined in config.h.
> Comments on this approach […] welcome

Two things that often break music db managers are:
- albums with different artists, and
- tracks with collaborating artists.

Is it possible to:
- include the whole album under all of the artists who have a track on
said album? and
- consider `&`, `feat`, `feat.`, `featuring`, `,`, &c. as separators
in the artist field?

(The second part is annoying as it'll break on some artist names that
include specific characters. Maybe an option to describe the artist
separator would be a good idea.)

Raphaël Proust

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