
On Sun, 15 Apr 2012 23:33:00 +0200 Joerg Zinke <> wrote:
> Am 14.04.2012 um 17:38 schrieb Connor Lane Smith <>:
> > But that aside, the distinction between TUIs and GUIs is completely
> > artificial. The only difference is that a "TUI" *cannot* display
> > images, even when it might be useful.
>  I  think  you are wrong. An example for a TUI with images is w3m com‐
> piled with inline images.

Images in w3m are a huge hack[0]. W3m is spawning an extra process to do
the whole X11 work, where it is simply drawing to  the  X11  window  the
xterm it is running in.

There  were proposals[1] to do graphics over ttys, but the web destroyed
them in its advent. Regaining strength in such a technology first  needs
a  working  terminal  for  them and then applications using these proto‐

With technical people floating directly into every new Apple gadget such
a dream needs to be implemented in Go, using HTML5  and  of  course  the
first target is iTunes/AppStore compatibility.


Christoph Lohmann


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