On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 12:10:47PM -0500, Stephen Paul Weber wrote:
> Somebody claiming to be Nick wrote:
> >Quoth Stephen Paul Weber:
> >>My st install prints some utf8 chars fine (like ©) but others (like …) itt
> >>has trouble with.
> >
> >I *think* that would be because rxvt-unicode falls back to another
> >font if the one you specify doesn't have a glyph it wants. So the
> >characters st isn't printing aren't actually in terminus. I'm
> >guessing, though.
> Huh, weird.  What st does print (!D, and it sort of messes up
> formatting of characters right after it) makes very little sense to
> me, but that could be it.  I'm not super-attached to Terminus, I
> just don't know any other X fixed fonts with big font sizes
> available.

I'm quite happy with -misc-fixed-*.


> -- 
> Stephen Paul Weber, @singpolyma
> See <http://singpolyma.net> for how I prefer to be contacted
> edition right joseph

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