> > I am actually a student that used to work on this stuff. In our > > research group, we were mainly interested in transforming the arXiv ( > > www.arxiv.org) to XHTML + MathML via LaTeXML ( > > http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/ ) > > What you are doing is a truly evil thing. A certainly interesting > project, from the point of view of trying to understand how and why > would any human being take up such an abominable task. >>> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 12:34:52PM +0200, Uriel wrote: > >>>> > >>>> I'm looking for a minimally sane way to generate presentation slides, > >>>> ideally using something similar to markdown and capable of generating > >>>> decent-looking html (and hopefully) pdf. >
Uriel, have you looked at halibut? http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/halibut/ I use it for a couple of projects, though I have a shell script to adjust the html to my own needs. The markdown is tolerably easy to learn, the license is liberal, and it is (meant to be) fairly portable C. I don't like it exactly, but it's the least obnoxious thing I've found for generating multiple forms of documentation. But, having rarely seen presentation slides with ( SNR > 0 ), I don't entirely understand what you are looking for. --Noah