On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 06:30:30PM +0200, Antoni Grzymala wrote:
Kris Maglione dixit (2010-06-29, 11:04):

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 12:34:52PM +0200, Uriel wrote:
>I'm looking for a minimally sane way to generate presentation slides,
>ideally using something similar to markdown and capable of generating
>decent-looking html (and hopefully) pdf.
>I know about magicpoint, and I normally use the troff slides macros:
>But the generated HTML is rather messy, and fixing htmlroff is too much work.

Have you tried generating a PDF and using one of the PDF to HTML
converters? They tend to work fairly well with PDFs generated by
programs like troff, though I don't expect it'd be nearly as clean
as that generated by markdown. I use TeX myself, which has some
fairly good HTML generators these days.

Would that be hand-crafted TeX or a set of macros like LaTeX beamer [1]?

I usually use Beamer. Plain-TeX gets the job done, but Beamer is a lot faster and rather more convenient if you need to do things like generating outlines. You just have to be careful to stay away from the shinier Powerpont-esque features.

Kris Maglione

Losing one glove / is certainly painful, / but nothing / compared to
the pain, / of losing one, / throwing away the other, / and finding /
the first one again.  -Piet Hein

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