On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Catalin David
<catalindavid2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all!
> I am actually a student that used to work on this stuff. In our
> research group, we were mainly interested in transforming the arXiv (
> www.arxiv.org) to XHTML + MathML via LaTeXML (
> http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/ )

What you are doing is a truly evil thing. A certainly interesting
project, from the point of view of trying to understand how and why
would any human being take up such an abominable task.

I honestly and deeply hope you fail completely.


> so that it can be displayed on the web
> (build system page: http://arxmliv.kwarc.info -- down now due to
> maintenance).
> What you might be interested in is this paper that we wrote a while
> back for a workshop (DML 09):
> http://kwarc.info/kohlhase/submit/dml09.pdf that tackles exactly this
> issue, transforming LaTeX to XHTML+MathML.
> Please let me know on what you think or if you have any more questions,
> Catalin
> On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Uriel <ur...@berlinblue.org> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 5:04 PM, Kris Maglione <maglion...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 12:34:52PM +0200, Uriel wrote:
>>>> I'm looking for a minimally sane way to generate presentation slides,
>>>> ideally using something similar to markdown and capable of generating
>>>> decent-looking html (and hopefully) pdf.
>>>> I know about magicpoint, and I normally use the troff slides macros:
>>>> http://repo.cat-v.org/troff-slider/
>>>> But the generated HTML is rather messy, and fixing htmlroff is too much
>>>> work.
>>> Have you tried generating a PDF and using one of the PDF to HTML converters?
>> Do you know of any PDF to HTML converter that is not crap? Because I
>> have been looking for such a thing for years, and would love to have
>> one, but I'm starting to suspect such a thing is impossible.
>>> They tend to work fairly well with PDFs generated by programs like troff,
>> Not in my experience, but again I'm really happy to hear suggestions
>> for good PDF to HTML converters.
>> uriel
>>> though I don't expect it'd be nearly as clean as that generated by markdown.
>>> I use TeX myself, which has some fairly good HTML generators these days.
>>> --
>>> Kris Maglione
>>> Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not
>>> sure about the universe.
>>>        --Albert Einstein
> --
> ******************************
> Catalin David
> B.Sc. Computer Science 2010
> Jacobs University Bremen
> Phone: +49-(0)1577-49-38-667
> College Ring 4, #343
> Krupp College B-313
> Bremen, 28759
> Germany
> ******************************

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