On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Claudio M. Alessi<smo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 09:51:59AM -0500, Kurt H Maier wrote:
>> this is the biggest reason I hate firefox too.  ^u should not view
>> source, it should erase the damn line.
> I guess you (and Uriel) would be happy with the VIMperator extesion.

You guess wrong.

> Take in mind that FireFox is *fully* customizable;

This is a bug and a sign of how much FireFox sucks.

> it shouldn't be much hard to make it behave as you want.

Actually, that is impossible, FireFox is fundamentally incompatible
with the kind of software that I want.

>  Though it's quite clean at this point that all of us (and
> likely many others people) are waiting for a new decent web browser. Sigh!

The design of Chrome is a bit closer to sanity, but still a long way
to go, at the moment I really like Net-Surf
http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ it is the only browser around written
in a sane language that doesn't depend on any braindead toolkit and
has the potential to be usable.


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