I could see this very useful in web design. I would like to embed this
in an Emacs buffer or window and then render a page on my local
server. I could then make some simple Emacs-like shortcut wrappers so
that I could refresh surf without switching windows. I could even
implement some of the bookmarks and such that others were talking
about. Would it be possible to embed this inside of Emacs? I don't
know much about surf or Emacs' functionailty in that regard.

On 7/3/09, totoloco <totol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> En 02/07/2009 21:58:01, Samuel Baldwin <shardz4...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> I'm wondering how people use this; I normally have upwards of 30 tabs
>> open in firefox at a given time. I understand the idea is to let the
>> window manager manage the instances, but for someone like me, this
>> doesn't work too well.
>> I suppose I could "cut back" a bit, but then I'd need some way of
>> managing bookmarks. If this could manage bookmarks and passwords, I'd
>> jump on it as my primary browser.
>> Is anything like this planned, or should I forget about it? (Or should
>> I write it myself?)
> If you like firefox, then use firefox, simple.
> If you like opera, the use opera.
> Uzbl has more configs, and is more extensible via scripts (in a lot of
> languages).
> Surf is simple, very simple, then we analize pros and cons about its
> simplicity.
> Surf version 0.0 < think about it.
> Sorry by my english... is so f*cking poor.
> --
> salU
> www.ushcompu.com.ar

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