En 02/07/2009 21:58:01, Samuel Baldwin <shardz4...@gmail.com> escribió:

I'm wondering how people use this; I normally have upwards of 30 tabs
open in firefox at a given time. I understand the idea is to let the
window manager manage the instances, but for someone like me, this
doesn't work too well.

I suppose I could "cut back" a bit, but then I'd need some way of
managing bookmarks. If this could manage bookmarks and passwords, I'd
jump on it as my primary browser.

Is anything like this planned, or should I forget about it? (Or should
I write it myself?)

If you like firefox, then use firefox, simple.
If you like opera, the use opera.
Uzbl has more configs, and is more extensible via scripts (in a lot of languages). Surf is simple, very simple, then we analize pros and cons about its simplicity.

Surf version 0.0 < think about it.

Sorry by my english... is so f*cking poor.


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