On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 05:11:39PM +0100, Jimmy Tang wrote:
> just thinking about this a bit after reading twfb's initial comment on
> cycling through things, perhaps...
> for monitor selection (this seems more natural for general usage and
> seems like a good default)
>  mod1-shift-j 
>  mod1-shift-k
> for changing a monitor tag on client you could do
>  mod1-ctrl-j 
>  mod1-ctrl-k
> or
>  mod1-shift-h 
>  mod1-shift-l

I've been using mod-ctrl j/k to switch screens, and mod-shift
h/l to move windows between them. The "shift" makes me think of
shifting/shuffling the window to the next screen. But yes, cycling
behavior would be nice.

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