Hi Anslem

On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 04:18:31PM +0100, Anselm R Garbe wrote:
> 2009/7/1 Jimmy Tang <jt...@tchpc.tcd.ie>:
> > On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 08:06:56PM +0100, twfb wrote:
> >> On 17:27 Sat 20 Jun     , Anselm R Garbe wrote:
> >> > Monitors are currently selected through pressing Mod1-w, Mod1-e (just
> >> > two initial keybindings), and clients are assigned to the selected
> >>
> >> First let me say that it's great to dwm working on dual head. For a
> >> laptop user thats excellent.
> >>
> >> I have been following the repo and testing with a dual head setup. Is it
> >> intented to be extended to work for more than two displays?
> >>
> >> If not may I suggest a cycling behaviour for the display keybindings, I
> >> can't quite explain why but my fingers don't seem to be able to remember
> >> the correct Mod1-w or Mod1-e key press. It's surprisingly hard work
> >> compared to the tags. Switch/Send to other, would be simpler.
> >>
> >
> > i've tried remapping the the focusmon and tagmon functions to 'd' and
> > 'f', that seems nicer to me as a default,  w and e seems abit un-natural
> > for me.
> I welcome any good proposal(s) regarding this. I'm not that happy with
> Mod1-w/e either.
> One idea was incorporating the F-keys, like Mod1-F1 .. Mod1-Fn for
> monitor selection, and Mod1-Shift-F1 .. Mod1-Shift-Fn for client
> propagation among them.
> Also, I realized that with some minor changes to the current code
> base, we can easily have classic multihead support as well, though
> with the limitation of focusmon only (moving clients accross won't
> work of course).
> What's your view on this?

just thinking about this a bit after reading twfb's initial comment on
cycling through things, perhaps...

for monitor selection (this seems more natural for general usage and
seems like a good default)

for changing a monitor tag on client you could do


I'm not too sure what would be more comfortable for changing the monitor
tag of a client. I'm going to try changing my keymappings to

for monitor selection

for changing a monitor tag on client 

and see how well it works.


Jimmy Tang
Trinity Centre for High Performance Computing,
Lloyd Building, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland.
http://www.tchpc.tcd.ie/ | http://www.tchpc.tcd.ie/~jtang

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