Jimmy Tang wrote:
Hi Anslem

On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 04:18:31PM +0100, Anselm R Garbe wrote:
2009/7/1 Jimmy Tang <jt...@tchpc.tcd.ie>:
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 08:06:56PM +0100, twfb wrote:
On 17:27 Sat 20 Jun � � , Anselm R Garbe wrote:
Monitors are currently selected through pressing Mod1-w, Mod1-e (just
two initial keybindings), and clients are assigned to the selected
First let me say that it's great to dwm working on dual head. For a
laptop user thats excellent.

I have been following the repo and testing with a dual head setup. Is it
intented to be extended to work for more than two displays?

If not may I suggest a cycling behaviour for the display keybindings, I
can't quite explain why but my fingers don't seem to be able to remember
the correct Mod1-w or Mod1-e key press. It's surprisingly hard work
compared to the tags. Switch/Send to other, would be simpler.

i've tried remapping the the focusmon and tagmon functions to 'd' and
'f', that seems nicer to me as a default, �w and e seems abit un-natural
for me.
I welcome any good proposal(s) regarding this. I'm not that happy with
Mod1-w/e either.

One idea was incorporating the F-keys, like Mod1-F1 .. Mod1-Fn for
monitor selection, and Mod1-Shift-F1 .. Mod1-Shift-Fn for client
propagation among them.

Also, I realized that with some minor changes to the current code
base, we can easily have classic multihead support as well, though
with the limitation of focusmon only (moving clients accross won't
work of course).

What's your view on this?

I've used mod1-shift-, and mod1-shift-. in the past.

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