Hello Pulsar fellows, I have prepared a PIP about adding support for Protocol Handlers
This is the GDoc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hlc_BOpQTkWX8FgrvWSfk6h5xTQKMXnTcSuil0Nznrg/edit?usp=sharing This is the PR for the implementation https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/11838/files I am pretty sure that this PIP will make life of developers of Protocol Handlers and of Administrators who deploy Protocol Handlers very nicer We are still working on the formal PIP process, at the moment I am sharing with you the document. My understanding is that after the discussion, I will start a VOTE thread, and if the VOTE passes we can move forward with reviewing the PR, and hopefully merge this feature for Pulsar 2.9.0 Enrico