Hello Anonymitaet, PMC, and Pulsar Community, I love the idea, anything that enables new developers to get started while making life easier for them, our current contributors, and tech writers is a great idea.
I would propose that we take this as an opportunity to go one step farther and overhaul the entire website. As we all know, the current one has a number of issues, for example: 1. The Home page isn’t visually appealing and doesn’t tell you what Pulsar is. Some examples of other Apache product landing pages: Kafka: https://kafka.apache.org/ RocketMQ: http://rocketmq.apache.org/ Cassandra: https://cassandra.apache.org/ These are similar projects, but their sites are much more engaging than ours and leaves the visitor with a better impression of what those projects do. Plus from other conversations, it is tough to get metrics from the site. 1. For an example of a technical issue: when you mouse over the tabs they do not open and when you click on the triangles the tab opens but will not close until you click on it again, so you can end up with something like this (if the image isn’t below, go to pulsar.apache.org and just click on the triangles) There are other issues like not having YouTube videos, testimonials from users, etc. (we each can come with a couple more issues). So following the Apache Community mantra of if you raise an issue, you are volunteering to fix it. With the PMC’s approval, I am volunteering to organize a group to revamp our website and the surrounding collateral. The group will meet to gather specs and create a mock up and report back to the PMC and the larger Pulsar community; take feedback (using fail-fast/ agile methodology) and improve the design. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to working with the community to improve our window to the world. Thanks, Aaron Williams About Me: Since this is my first time posting and I thought that I would introduce myself. I am at DataStax and their community manager for streaming, with one of my major goals to help out with the Pulsar Community. I came from the Linux Foundation’s Edge Umbrella project (LFEdge.org) and its 10 projects, where I was the Community Manager/ Developer Advocate, working to grow and strengthen their community. Before that, I was the Global Lead for SAP’s internal makerspace and community space called the d-shop, where we had over 30 locations around the world. Thus working with communities is what I have done for the last 10 years of my career. And I look forward to working with all of you and helping to grow this community. On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 6:52 AM Guangning E <eguangn...@gmail.com> wrote: > +1 > > Enrico Olivelli <eolive...@gmail.com> 于2021年7月13日周二 下午4:14写道: > >> +1 >> >> Enrico >> >> Il giorno mar 13 lug 2021 alle ore 10:12 Sijie Guo <guosi...@gmail.com> >> ha scritto: >> >>> +1 >>> >>> On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 8:25 PM Anonymitaet _ <anonymita...@hotmail.com> >>> wrote: >>> > >>> > Hi Pulsar enthusiasts, >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > Nowadays, Pulsar grows rapidly, docs are in increasing demands. While >>> some users have a hard time finding what they need or encountering other >>> issues. >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > As a sustainable community, we always give the same care to docs as >>> code. To improve the UX, may we suggest upgrading the Pulsar website >>> framework (Docusuraus) and re-architecture the doc structure? >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > # Issue >>> > >>> > Currently, the Docusuraus version is 1.11, which is an old version >>> released in 2019. With this version, we cannot customize features based on >>> our needs (for example, navigation is a cornerstone for the site. We want >>> to optimize it but cannot add more levels for it or collapse it, etc). >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > # Solution >>> > >>> > Upgrade Docusuraus from 1.11 to the latest version (2.x). >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > # Benefit >>> > >>> > Difference between 1.11 and 2.x: >>> > >>> > 1.11 is a pure documentation site generator, using React as a >>> server-side template engine, but not loading React on the browser. >>> > 2.x, rebuilt from the ground up, generates a single-page-application, >>> using the full power of React in the browser. It allows for more >>> customizability but preserved the best parts of 1.11 - easy to get started, >>> versioned docs, and i18n. Beyond that, the latest version is a performant >>> static site generator and can be used to create common content-driven >>> websites (e.g. Documentation, Blogs, Product Landing and Marketing Pages, >>> etc) extremely quickly. For how to upgrade, see >>> https://docusaurus.io/docs/migration/automated >>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docusaurus.io_docs_migration_automated&d=DwMFaQ&c=adz96Xi0w1RHqtPMowiL2g&r=xfJCHpjPTxraruLs_Uk3E942RLPiuaa4M5tzdGOlGPw&m=f4Gz0nHBM1XEwnYrnxIRjvcCi6p0znF9UssxITeZQNA&s=2V9jBkiIQMblHSk8_9Rfu9GZK_mJW7IqUc8yah2V1Yc&e=> >>> . >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > If there is a better tool or any other suggestions, feel free to >>> comment. We'd love your feedback, thanks! >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > Anonymitaet >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> >>