
On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 8:25 PM Anonymitaet _ <anonymita...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Pulsar enthusiasts,
> Nowadays, Pulsar grows rapidly, docs are in increasing demands. While some 
> users have a hard time finding what they need or encountering other issues.
> As a sustainable community, we always give the same care to docs as code. To 
> improve the UX, may we suggest upgrading the Pulsar website framework 
> (Docusuraus) and re-architecture the doc structure?
> # Issue
> Currently, the Docusuraus version is 1.11, which is an old version released 
> in 2019. With this version, we cannot customize features based on our needs 
> (for example, navigation is a cornerstone for the site. We want to optimize 
> it but cannot add more levels for it or collapse it, etc).
> # Solution
> Upgrade Docusuraus from 1.11 to the latest version (2.x).
> # Benefit
> Difference between 1.11 and 2.x:
> 1.11 is a pure documentation site generator, using React as a server-side 
> template engine, but not loading React on the browser.
> 2.x, rebuilt from the ground up, generates a single-page-application, using 
> the full power of React in the browser. It allows for more customizability 
> but preserved the best parts of 1.11 - easy to get started, versioned docs, 
> and i18n. Beyond that, the latest version is a performant static site 
> generator and can be used to create common content-driven websites (e.g. 
> Documentation, Blogs, Product Landing and Marketing Pages, etc) extremely 
> quickly. For how to upgrade, see 
> https://docusaurus.io/docs/migration/automated.
> If there is a better tool or any other suggestions, feel free to comment. 
> We'd love your feedback, thanks!
> Anonymitaet

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