Signed-off-by: nickcooper-zhangtonghao <>
 ovn/ovn-nb.ovsschema      |   5 +-
 ovn/ovn-nb.xml            |   6 ++
 ovn/utilities/ovn-nbctl.c | 163 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ovn/ovn-nb.ovsschema b/ovn/ovn-nb.ovsschema
index 456ae98..87ce15f 100644
--- a/ovn/ovn-nb.ovsschema
+++ b/ovn/ovn-nb.ovsschema
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     "name": "OVN_Northbound",
     "version": "5.3.1",
-    "cksum": "1921908091 9353",
+    "cksum": "360001470 9398",
     "tables": {
         "NB_Global": {
             "columns": {
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@
             "isRoot": true},
         "Load_Balancer": {
             "columns": {
+                "name": {"type": "string"},
                 "vips": {
                     "type": {"key": "string", "value": "string",
                              "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}},
@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@
                 "external_ids": {
                     "type": {"key": "string", "value": "string",
                              "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}},
-            "isRoot": true},
+            "isRoot": false},
         "ACL": {
             "columns": {
                 "priority": {"type": {"key": {"type": "integer",
diff --git a/ovn/ovn-nb.xml b/ovn/ovn-nb.xml
index 5719e74..c3666f5 100644
--- a/ovn/ovn-nb.xml
+++ b/ovn/ovn-nb.xml
@@ -660,6 +660,12 @@
       Each row represents one load balancer.
+    <column name="name">
+      A name for the load balancer.  This must be unique among all load 
+      This name has no special meaning or purpose other than to provide 
+      for human interaction with the ovn-nb database.
+    </column>
     <column name="vips">
         A map of virtual IPv4 addresses (and an optional port number with
diff --git a/ovn/utilities/ovn-nbctl.c b/ovn/utilities/ovn-nbctl.c
index d6d64ea..fc02918 100644
--- a/ovn/utilities/ovn-nbctl.c
+++ b/ovn/utilities/ovn-nbctl.c
@@ -331,6 +331,13 @@ ACL commands:\n\
                             remove ACLs from SWITCH\n\
   acl-list SWITCH           print ACLs for SWITCH\n\
+LB commands:\n\
+                            add a load-balancer to SWITCH\n\
+  lb-del SWITCH [LB]\n\
+                            remove load-balancers from SWITCH\n\
+  lb-list SWITCH [LB]       print load-balancers for SWITCH\n\
 Logical switch port commands:\n\
   lsp-add SWITCH PORT       add logical port PORT on SWITCH\n\
@@ -1315,7 +1322,154 @@ nbctl_acl_del(struct ctl_context *ctx)
+static void
+nbctl_lb_add(struct ctl_context *ctx)
+    const struct nbrec_logical_switch *ls;
+    const char *lb_name = ctx->argv[2];
+    const char *lb_vip = ctx->argv[3];
+    const char *lb_ips = ctx->argv[4];
+    ls = ls_by_name_or_uuid(ctx, ctx->argv[1], true);
+    const char *lb_proto;
+    if (ctx->argc == 5) {
+        /* default protocol.*/
+        lb_proto = "tcp";
+    } else {
+        lb_proto = ctx->argv[5];
+        /* Validate protocol. */
+        if (strcmp(lb_proto, "tcp") && strcmp(lb_proto, "udp")) {
+            ctl_fatal("%s: protocol must be one of \"tcp\", \"udp\".", 
+        }
+    }
+    bool may_exist = shash_find(&ctx->options, "--may-exist") != NULL;
+    for (int i = 0; i < ls->n_load_balancer; i++) {
+        const struct nbrec_load_balancer *lb
+            = ls->load_balancer[i];
+        if (strcmp(lb->name, lb_name)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (!may_exist) {
+            ctl_fatal("%s: a load balancer with this name already exists", 
+        }
+        nbrec_logical_switch_verify_load_balancer(ls);
+        nbrec_load_balancer_verify_protocol(lb);
+        nbrec_load_balancer_verify_vips(lb);
+        nbrec_load_balancer_set_protocol(lb, lb_proto);
+        struct smap vips = SMAP_INITIALIZER(&vips);
+        smap_add(&vips, lb_vip, lb_ips);
+        nbrec_load_balancer_set_vips(lb, &vips);
+        smap_destroy(&vips);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Create the load balancer. */
+    struct nbrec_load_balancer *lb = nbrec_load_balancer_insert(ctx->txn);
+    nbrec_load_balancer_set_name(lb, lb_name);
+    nbrec_load_balancer_set_protocol(lb, lb_proto);
+    struct smap vips = SMAP_INITIALIZER(&vips);
+    smap_add(&vips, lb_vip, lb_ips);
+    nbrec_load_balancer_set_vips(lb, &vips);
+    smap_destroy(&vips);
+    /* Insert the load balancer into the logical switch. */
+    nbrec_logical_switch_verify_acls(ls);
+    struct nbrec_load_balancer **new_lbs
+        = xmalloc(sizeof *new_lbs * (ls->n_load_balancer + 1));
+    memcpy(new_lbs, ls->load_balancer, sizeof *new_lbs * ls->n_load_balancer);
+    new_lbs[ls->n_load_balancer] = lb;
+    nbrec_logical_switch_set_load_balancer(ls, new_lbs, ls->n_load_balancer + 
+    free(new_lbs);
+static void
+nbctl_lb_del(struct ctl_context *ctx)
+    const char *lb_name = ctx->argv[2];
+    const struct nbrec_logical_switch *ls;
+    ls = ls_by_name_or_uuid(ctx, ctx->argv[1], true);
+    if (ctx->argc == 2) {
+        /* If load-balancer is not specified, delete
+         * all load-balancers. */
+        nbrec_logical_switch_verify_load_balancer(ls);
+        nbrec_logical_switch_set_load_balancer(ls, NULL, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < ls->n_load_balancer; i++) {
+        const struct nbrec_load_balancer *lb
+            = ls->load_balancer[i];
+        if (strcmp(lb->name, lb_name)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        /* Remove the matching rule. */
+        struct nbrec_load_balancer **new_lbs
+            = xmemdup(ls->load_balancer, sizeof *new_lbs * 
+        new_lbs[i] = ls->load_balancer[ls->n_load_balancer - 1];
+        nbrec_logical_switch_verify_load_balancer(ls);
+        nbrec_logical_switch_set_load_balancer(ls, new_lbs,
+                                      ls->n_load_balancer - 1);
+        free(new_lbs);
+        return;
+    }
+    bool must_exist = !shash_find(&ctx->options, "--if-exists");
+    if (must_exist) {
+        ctl_fatal("load balancer %s is not part of any logical switch.",
+                lb_name);
+    }
+static void
+nbctl_lb_list(struct ctl_context *ctx)
+    const struct nbrec_logical_switch *ls;
+    ls = ls_by_name_or_uuid(ctx, ctx->argv[1], true);
+    struct smap lbs = SMAP_INITIALIZER(&lbs);
+    for (int i = 0; i < ls->n_load_balancer; i++) {
+        const struct nbrec_load_balancer *lb
+            = ls->load_balancer[i];
+        if (ctx->argc == 3 && strcmp(lb->name, ctx->argv[2])) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        const struct smap_node **nodes = smap_sort(&lb->vips);
+        if (nodes) {
+            const struct smap_node *node = nodes[0];
+            smap_add_format(&lbs, lb->name, "%-10.8s %-5s %-20s %s",
+                        lb->name, lb->protocol, node->key, node->value);
+            free(nodes);
+        }
+    }
+    const struct smap_node **nodes = smap_sort(&lbs);
+    ds_put_format(&ctx->output,
+            "Logical Switch: %s\n"
+            "%-10.8s %-5s %-20s IPs\n",
+            ls->name, "LB", "PROTO", "VIP");
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < smap_count(&lbs); i++) {
+        const struct smap_node *node = nodes[i];
+        ds_put_format(&ctx->output, "%s\n", node->value);
+    }
+    smap_destroy(&lbs);
+    free(nodes);
 static void
 nbctl_lr_add(struct ctl_context *ctx)
@@ -2420,6 +2574,13 @@ static const struct ctl_command_syntax nbctl_commands[] 
= {
       nbctl_acl_del, NULL, "", RW },
     { "acl-list", 1, 1, "SWITCH", NULL, nbctl_acl_list, NULL, "", RO },
+    /* load balancer commands. */
+    { "lb-add", 4, 5, "SWITCH LB VIP[:PORT] IP[:PORT]... [PROTOCOL]", NULL,
+      nbctl_lb_add, NULL, "--may-exist", RW },
+    { "lb-del", 1, 2, "SWITCH [LB]", NULL,
+      nbctl_lb_del, NULL, "--if-exists", RW },
+    { "lb-list", 1, 2, "SWITCH [LB]", NULL, nbctl_lb_list, NULL, "", RO },
     /* logical switch port commands. */
     { "lsp-add", 2, 4, "SWITCH PORT [PARENT] [TAG]", NULL, nbctl_lsp_add,
       NULL, "--may-exist", RW },

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