> Therefore we have two options.
> 1) add the option '--with dpdk' to the current spec file, so that users that
> doesn't want DPDK just follow the usual steps and that's it.  DPDK users only
> need to pass those two arguments to have the OVS+DPDK RPM files.
> 2) Create another copy of .spec (openvswitch-dpdk.spec?) with DPDK
> support enabled.
> Another question is static versus shared linking.
> My opinion is that we should go with (1), shared linked, but I don't know if 
> it
> covers all use-cases.
> Thoughts?

It seems like option (1) would reduce duplication of code.

As long as there is no performance degradation when using shared linking (I 
there was an issue with that a while ago) then it is a better option and would
allow us to potentially use newer versions of DPDK.
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