Hello guys,

While we're still fresh with the windows kernel part, could we please rename & 
move the files?
All the files are Ovs-prefixed. The repository name is Ovs: It is obvious that 
all files within it are Ovs.
Do we really need every file to be Ovs-prefixed?

In time, I believe we should expect new files to be added. Perhaps we should 
add folders in ovsext, such as Core (or whatever name you think best for 
"needed everywhere stuff"), Protocol (for various net protocols), Transfer (for 
Ingress, NBL management), HyperV (keep things such as functionality for the 
Hyper-V Switch, Hyper-V Nics, Hyper-V Ports, OIDs), Winetlink (or whatever name 
you prefer, for km-um)
And, if we do this "move" operation into folders, we would also create filters 
(i.e. logical folders) in the Visual Studio Project file.

I believe the movement of files into "component" based folder will help 
modularize the project (i.e. people would less likely add Hyper-V Nic functions 
in km-um files, buffer management in protocol files, etc.)

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