>On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 5:27 PM, Saurabh Shah <ssaur...@vmware.com> wrote:
>> Ben Pfaff writes:
>> > The logging in dpif_windows_flow_del() seems like a debugging stray.
>> Do you mean in do_put?
>I mean the one here:
>+static int
>+dpif_windows_flow_del(struct dpif *dpif, const struct dpif_flow_del *del)
>+    VLOG_INFO("dpif_windows_flow_del\n");
>+    return do_put(dpif, OVSWIN_FLOW_PUT_DELETE, del->key, del->key_len,
>+                  NULL, 0, del->stats);

I deleted the log.

>> > The quoted string here appears to have two \\ escapes followed by a
>> > \. escape.  Does \. mean something special in Windows?
>> > #define OVS_DEVICE_PATH    TEXT("\\\\\.\\OvsIoctl")
>> Yes, to specify the device namespace instead of the file namespace.
>OK, that page talks about a special file name convention \\.\.  When
>we double each of the backslashes for a C string we get four slashes
>at the beginning: \\\\.  But your code has five, so there's one backslash
>modifying a period ("\.").  Do you need to change the five backslashes
>to four?

Yes, that was throwing a warning as well. I have fixed all warnings in the
new userspace files.

>> I succumbed to "review fatigue" looking at the netdev code, so no
>> comments on that yet.  Tomorrow, I'll try to continue my look through,
>> and then I'll shift over to looking at the cloudbase implementation.
>I guess I forgot to continue reading.  I'll wait for the next posting to

Sure, thanks.

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