On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 1:21 AM, YAMAMOTO Takashi
<yamam...@valinux.co.jp> wrote:
>>> what would the new definition of DP_HASH action look like?
>> flow_hash_5tuple
> DP_HASH was defined as "datapath specific hash of the packet".
> my question is what it will be after your proposed change.

It will be the same.

User space computed hash values are not going to match with those
computed in the datapath.  If the application require the value to match,
one way to implement it is to use a helper function to ask datapath to
compute it.

DP_HASH is currently only used by bonding. User space computed hash may
lead to selecting a different port than the datapath port. The packet will
still be delivered, although may be delivered out of order, but this is
an inherent problem when datapath and slow path are in use for the
same flow.  On the other hand, and most likely, if a flow is handled
entirely in slow path or in datapath, this implementation should work fine.

In case we have future applications that require slow path
execution of DP_HASH to produce the same values produced by the
datapath, my proposed patch will not work.

Does this make sense? What do you think?

> YAMAMOTO Takashi
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