On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 1:32 AM, ravi kerur <rke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 8:49 AM, Jesse Gross <je...@nicira.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 12:04 AM, ravi kerur <rke...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 5:55 AM, Jesse Gross <je...@nicira.com> wrote:
>>>> On Jun 13, 2012, at 12:12 PM, ravi kerur <rke...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 5:31 PM, Pravin Shelar <pshe...@nicira.com> wrote:
>>>>>> TTL actions:
>>>>>> As Jesse has mentioned before there could be one Set action which
>>>>>> should be able to handle three different ttl related actions added.
>>>>>> e.g. OVS_ACTION_ATTR_COPY_TTL_IN can generate set-ipv4 action from
>>>>>> userspace. OVS_ACTION_ATTR_COPY_TTL_OUT and
>>>>>> OVS_ACTION_ATTR_DEC_MPLS_TTL can be set mpls action. This works for
>>>>>> single label case. But ttl_in and ttl_out also needs mpls inner packet
>>>>>> parsing in flow_extract to get exact flow in kernel datapath.
>>>>> <rk> I had disagreed with Jesse for this approach and unfortunately
>>>>> our discussion didn't continue since he was busy. My understanding is
>>>>> that you use set actions when you are modifying multiple fields in a
>>>>> single header and it makes perfect sense to me. In case of mpls we are
>>>>> dealing with 2 headers ip and mpls
>>>> It does save some time if you modify multiple header fields but that's not 
>>>> the main goal. The primary objective is to push as much complexity as 
>>>> possible to userspace and flow setup time. The kernel should just expose 
>>>> the simplest building blocks possible.
>>>>> for e.g.
>>>>> copy_ttl_in could be mpls-outer-header to mpls-inner-header (in case
>>>>> of stacked labels) and mpls-header to ip for single label.
>>>>> copy_ttl_out could be mpls-inner-header to mpls-outer-header(stacked
>>>>> labels) and ip to mpls-header for signle label
>>>>> dec_mpls_ttl, single header operation.
>>>>> hence I think it should be left as is. Let me know if I have
>>>>> misunderstood set operations.
>>>> I spent a fair amount of time thinking about this today and concluded that 
>>>> neither option is very attractive as is.
>>>> If we go with what you have now, I'm fairly confident that we will regret 
>>>> it in the future.  The kernel code used to more directly implement various 
>>>> features and prior to upstreaming we broke many of them down.  I'm happy 
>>>> with the results of that but this time we won't have the benefit of 
>>>> revising things later. This is particularly bad because it deviates from 
>>>> our usual model of userspace controlling everything and here userspace 
>>>> won't even know what the flow looks like. The effects of this tend to 
>>>> metastasize because when userspace doesn't know what the packet looks like 
>>>> it can't implement things that it might overwise be able to do and more 
>>>> and more ends up in the kernel. The other thing, which is specific to 
>>>> MPLS, is that there is no inherent way to know the type of the payload. 
>>>> Userspace is vastly more likely to have this information in the event that 
>>>> we want to do something with the inner packet.  In your patch the kernel 
>>>> is basically assuming that the type is IP (OpenFlow doesn't give us any 
>>>> additional information but it doesn't seem like a good idea in general).
>>> <rk> No both kernel and userspace takes care of ipv4/ipv6 and non-ip
>>> as well. Motivation for MPLS is to be unaware of underneath l2/l3
>>> protocol and allow fast switching based on just top mpls label.
>> I'm talking specifically about copying the TTL.  If you are copying
>> to/from an inner IP packet then you are clearly not agnostic to the
>> protocol being carried.
> <rk> I think we are talking about 2 different cases here. In core mpls
> network, routers/l3 switches are agnostic to underneath layers. For
> mpls edge, yes I agree they need to be aware of underneath layer esp.
> for ttl and tos.

This entire discussion is just about the implementation of the various
MPLS TTL actions in OpenFlow.  That's all I'm talking about, nothing
specific to a particular use case.

>>>> Potentially a third approach is to add a more native way to recirculate 
>>>> through the pipeline (somewhat like a patch port but lighter weight and 
>>>> with a different intention). In addition to the TTL issues it could be 
>>>> useful in situations where you want to parse deeper into the packet than 
>>>> the number of MPLS or vlan tags supported.  Often times people might want 
>>>> to do L3 operations after popping off an MPLS tag and in that case you 
>>>> almost certainly end up doing something like this.
>>> <rk> this is the case when packet has single mpls label and action
>>> configured is pop_mpls, in addition to mpls label lookup, l3 lookup
>>> happens as well.
>> Yes, that's the use case that I'm referring to.  Right now in order to
>> handle this you would need to do some kind of manual recirculation
>> because OVS doesn't parse beyond the MPLS header.
> <rk> yes, I did try with resubmit option and I wasn't successful( I
> did it at very early stage of development)

Resubmit won't work because it's purely in userspace and if the kernel
doesn't parse into the MPLS payload there's no further information
there.  That's why additional work would need to be done to get this
working through some form of kernel recirculation.
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