On Oct 18, 2011, at 10:12 AM, Ben Pfaff wrote:

> STP_ID_ARGS should parenthesize the name of its argument, in case
> someone passes in a complicated expression (unlikely as that is).


> But can't the ID formatting macros be simplified to:
> #define STP_ID_FMT "%04"PRIx16"."012"PRIx64
> #define STP_ID_ARG(stp_id) \
>    (uint16_t)((stp_id) >> 48), \
>    (uint64_t)((stp_id) & 0xffffffffffffULL)

That's cleaner.  Thanks.

> and I'm not sure that we really need port id macros at all.  I think
> that "%04"PRIx16 works OK.  (But it might make sense to use macros for
> that; it's a reasonable choice.)

I wanted to provide a macro since there's no consistency in switch UIs about 
whether they should be in decimal or hex.  I figured this would make it less 
likely that we'd introduce an inconsistency.

> Can the STP_ROLE_* constants have some comments?  Maybe "Port closest
> to root bridge.", "Forwards frames toward/away from root.", "Not used
> for forwarding." or similar.

How about these explanations?

  STP_ROLE_ROOT,               /* Path to root bridge. */
  STP_ROLE_DESIGNATED,         /* Path to LAN segments. */
  STP_ROLE_ALTERNATE           /* Backup path to root bridge. */
  STP_ROLE_DISABLED,           /* Port does not participate in STP. */

> Should there be a role for "disabled" ports?  I think that they are
> technically different from alternate ports.

In the current code, a disabled port wouldn't be considered to have a role.  
However, I think it would be better to still display a role even if the port is 
disabled on a bridge running STP.  I'll make that change.

The spec didn't provide a concise description of what's allowed in the states, 
so I've also added the following patch:

@@ -97,6 +92,20 @@ bool stp_get_changed_port(struct stp *, struct stp_port **por
  * participate in the spanning tree, but it still forwards traffic as if
  * it were in the STP_FORWARDING state.  This may be different from
  * other implementations.
+ *
+ * The following diagram describes the various states and what they are
+ * allowed to do in OVS:
+ *
+ *                     FWD  LRN  TX_BPDU RX_BPDU
+ *                     ---  ---  ------- -------
+ *        Disabled      Y    N      N       N
+ *        Blocking      N    N      N       Y
+ *        Listening     N    N      Y       Y
+ *        Learning      N    Y      Y       Y
+ *        Forwarding    Y    Y      Y       Y
+ *
+ * Once again, note that the disabled state forwards traffic, which is
+ * likely different than the spec would indicate.
 enum stp_state {
     STP_DISABLED = 1 << 0,       /* 8.4.5: See note above. */


Let me know if you see any problems with it.


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