Not exactly the reverse, but, yes, support OpenOffice in an inclusive manner.
Exactly the reverse. One cannot support Open Office in an /exclusive/ manner because of the Apache license. And one can not support a derivative such as Libre Office in an /inclusive/ manner because of its license.

The Apache OpenOffice Community Forum, however, should be limited to the support of Apache OpenOffice just like is, and promotion of /competitive/ products on the forum should be forbidden or at least explicitly discouraged. It is a matter of proper forum guidelines and discipline.

I’m busy with translation and localization, but I still wanted to voice my opinion on the matter.

Pagarbiai / Sincerely,
📧 Aivaras Stepukonis <>
2024-12-30 02:10, Dave Fisher rašė:

On Dec 29, 2024, at 12:54 PM, Aivaras Stepukonis<> wrote:

If you wish to have Apache OpenOffice continue to exist […] help support any 
and all OpenOffice derivatives.
I think it is the reverse, Dave. If you wish any and all Open Office 
derivatives to continue to exist, help support Open Office.
Not exactly the reverse, but, yes, support OpenOffice in an inclusive manner.


Pagarbiai / Sincerely,
📧 Aivaras Stepukonis<>
2024-12-29 22:15, Dave Fisher rašė:
On Dec 28, 2024, at 3:32 PM, Aivaras Stepukonis<> wrote:

“Guerrilla marketing,” such as badmouthing Open Office and replacing references 
to it with references to Libre Office in Wikipedia and elsewhere, has been the 
norm for a long time now. A number of LO partizans use 
even for this very campaign because some 
naive souls in the Open Office community administer it as “User community 
support forum for Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice, and all the 
derivatives.” This level of naivete is difficult to digest. Does the Apache 
Software Foundation receive payment for hosting a forum for the Document 
Foundation? Does the Apache Software Foundation know that a significant number 
of LO users who participate in the forum openly recommend replacing OO with LO?
In a word, yes, we know they answer any and all questions. The admins at are mostly the same people as they were in June 2011 when was donated to the ASF by Oracle as an Incubating project. I 
know because I’m the one who has been doing the sysadmin work to upgrade this 
phpBB forum from time to time.

The ASF’s mission is software for the public good. We receive no payments from 
anyone to host the forums. In fact all of us who work on Apache OpenOffice are 
volunteers giving our own time and passion for our very large community.

The Documentation Foundation knows where we are, and, if they are willing. 
could certainly have an open, honest, and reasonable discussion with us. We are 
not Oracle and we are not IBM. The current animus does no one any good, but 
seems to be aligned with their creation story.

If you wish to have Apache OpenOffice continue to exist as we enter a new world 
where regulators are looking at regulating the software supply chain then you 
should lobby your governments that have become reliant on ODF documents to help 
support any and all OpenOffice derivatives.

Consider joining the forums and working to become an admin of a forum.

Dave, who is currently taking his turn as VP, Apache OpenOffice

Pagarbiai / Sincerely,
📧 Aivaras Stepukonis<>
2024-12-28 21:46, Fernando Cassia rašė:
Yes, same on Twitter where I dared to mention OpenOffice as an alternative
to Microsoft Office on a ZDNet post.
It didn't take long for a LO supporter to show up telling me I shouldn't
recommend "abandonware".

I also noticed that the OpenOffice wikipedia entry has mostly a negative
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