Apologies for not responding earlier, was optimistically expecting to report a complete success 'any moment now'. No such luck, though, yet.

My findings at the moment are:

1. The scp2 module needs to be rebuilt from scratch every time the build configuration changes.

As it is, the scp2 isn't getting its dependencies renewed, so, e.g., mine instance had a year old unxlngx6.pro subdir, in spite of many reconfigurations.

2. Now my configuration options set (which was quoted before) produces binaries for xmlsecurity module. These binaries after the 'instsetoo_native' stage reference system libraries libcrypto,libssl, & libnss3.

3. I've missed telling I have my configure.ac modified, so my configure script is capable of blanket disabling category-B but allowing only a few things from it I actually need.

And that's when I've heard the current configure behaviour must not be changed -- when I've submitted those changes to be included in the trunk, in 2021 or maybe in 2022.

So far so good.

4. However, clicking Macro Security still yields me nothing.

In the

...the object is sort of created:

(gdb) p &xD
$1 = (com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::security::XDocumentDigitalSignatures> *) 0x7fffffffc660

...but is of generic, unusable type:

(gdb) p *(&xD)
$2 = {<com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference> = {
    _pInterface = 0x0}, <No data fields>}

...and I still get the 'This document contains macros. Macros may contain viruses...' msgbox when running off my working OOO user config and invoking a keyboard shortcut for one of my StarBasic macros.


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