
Thank you, Damjan, for the prompt looking into the problem.

Regarding the matters you address:

If I understand correctly, the configure code allows for a separate inclusion of nss (more on that at the very end of this message):


...which brings us to the original issue.

I've just rebuilt from start with --with-system-ssl and with --with-system-nss options, but for a while I couldn't even check if it actually worked.

Because, when making the final target, i.e. instsetoo_native, the 'packaging' script in solenv/bin/make_installer.pl, which uses this list:

... analyzing script: /home/me/c/+ooo/aoo45/main/solver/450/unxlngx6.pro/bin/setup_osl.ins

which is dated 2023-08-28 on my system and includes, e.g., this:

File gid_File_Lib_Openssl
       Dir = gid_Brand_Dir_Program;
       Name = "libssl.so";
       Styles = (PACKED);
       UnixRights = 444;

...fails (i.e. the 'packaging' script fails), saying this:

ERROR: The following files could not be found:
ERROR: File not found: libcrypto.so
ERROR: File not found: libssl.so

...which obviously wouldn't even be there.

Just for the kicks, I removed those two entries (on libcrypt and libssl) from setup_osl.ins (in solver, not touching its original in scp2/), and the packaging script completed successfully.

Any idea how such things could be fixed? Should be fixed? Would be fixed?

However, while 'Online Update - Check Now' stopped crashing the AOO (i.e. with system SSL loaded), the 'Macro Security' stil does nothing, so it seems just using --with-system-nss isn't enough.

That brings us to the configure script functionality. I've heard before that w/r to at least category-b, there are to be NO changes. So I shouldn't expect the possibility of, like, including/enabling category-b stuff piecemeal?

(For myself I'm using such piece-wise inclusion for years (as you could glean from my options) with no ill effects)

Thank you for your time anyway, again.


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