
Peter has done his testing and posted a revised note.

I don't expect more votes to come in...



Am 20.02.23 um 12:25 schrieb Jim Jagielski:
> FWIW, I'm fine keeping the vote open a few days longer.
>> On Feb 20, 2023, at 2:46 AM, Peter Kovacs <pe...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Am 20.02.23 um 00:15 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>>> Hi Peter,
>>> Am 19.02.23 um 23:59 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
>>>> Am 19.02.23 um 23:44 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>>> This should not be in [VOTE] but in [DISCUSS], we should keep the
>>>>> thread "clean".
>>>> I voted no because i was unsure if the wild shot is correct
>>> Sorry, your vote was in a "comment" area. I didn't realize that.
>> my mistake. I was lazy.
>>>>> I installed the X64 version of Adoptium JAVA 11 on our M1 machine and
>>>>> could open the file without problem.
>>>>> So this would be something for the Release Notes, macOS section?
>>>> yes I have managed to work around the issue by executing the following
>>>> steps. (other guides faild)
>>>> sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta
>>>> brew tap adoptopenjdk/openjdk && brew install --cask adoptopenjdk8
>>>> browse Add java to
>>>> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/bin
>>> Isn't Rosetta installed as default? I didn't have to do all this, it
>>> just worked.
>> I had no java installed. Most java guides I found lead to the behavior.
>>>> I wound like to test more. is it possible to wait until wednesday?
>>> Maybe. But personally I don't think this is a release blocker.
>> I agree, but I want to check a little more. I am late to the party. :)
>>> Regards,
>>>    Matthias
>>>> all the best
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>    Matthias
>>>>> Am 19.02.23 um 23:21 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I am sorry. May be I found something.
>>>>>>> The Release Candidate is good for production/GA:
>>>>>>>     [ ] yes / +1
>>>>>>>     [x] no / -1
>>>>>>> My vote is based on
>>>>>>>     [x] binding (member of PMC)
>>>>>>>     [ ] I have built and tested the RC from source on platform [ ]
>>>>>>>     [x] I have tested the binary RC on platform [Mac M2 Ventura]
>>>>>>> This vote will be open for 7 days to allow for sufficient time
>>>>>>> for testing, review, and voting.
>>>>>> I am not able to load the file from issue 81233.
>>>>>> 1) Download file
>>>>>> 2) open file with AOO RC1
>>>>>> 3) java missing (ok, installing tamruin Java - the former Adopt
>>>>>> Variant.)
>>>>>> 4) Preference shows the Version
>>>>>> 5) File load fails as if no java is there
>>>>>> 6) on close i get a crash report
>>>>>> note: the Java version is a Silicon compiled variant. I suspect it
>>>>>> is incompatible with our bridge.
>>>>>> I hope I have more soon.
>>>>>> All the best
>>>>>> https://bz.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=81233
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